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Board of Health Minutes July 7, 2008

Meeting held at Town Hall on July 8, 2008 6:30 pm
Present were:  Mark Sprague, Andrea Gilbert, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

Bill Brookings verified the measurements from the well and the wetlands buffer zone.  The Board was satisfied with the location of the well.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the variance.

Present were: Curt Plante, Ken Troup, Stan Wysoki, Jodi Ross, Ray Willis
This was a discussion with Selectmen and the residents regarding the Force Main that will service the Houghton building, the Public Library and the Public Safety Building on Wattaquadock Hill.  The force main goes northerly down Wattaquadock Hill Rd. then east on Main St. (rt. 117) and precede east until Mechanic Street then down Mechanic Street to connect the system behind the Emerson School.  Ray explained that SDR17 pipe comes in a continuous roll 500 ft pipe with no joints, other aspect is directional drill method open pit on one end and receiving pit. lined in cement,  pipe rated at 160 psi burst strength will be working at 52psi max is around 300 psi, pressure testing the main to check if there is any leakage if necessary they will fix and retest prior to accepting.  They will incorporate valves at the manhole junctions which will allow pressure testing.  Pipes are joined by heating the joints to be fused together making the pipe physically one pipe.  The Town can go back and periodically test the main to ensure there are no leaks. Plastic pipe will withstand any harsh environment.  In accordance with the Bolton Bylaws 50 ft setbacks, there a 2 wells 702 & 708 Main Street that do not meet the Bolton Bylaws setback.  The State setback is 10 feet and we will meet state code in all instances.  The homeowner at 714 Main pointed out the well location and it appears that the force main will also encroach on that property.

The concrete sleeve is an encasement on the pipe.  H20 loading will be installed 6 feet below grade.

Curt want to know why we are now suggesting this be done.  Actually the pressure grouting (cement) sleeve is part of the directional drilling firm.  Cost is built into the pipe.  Directional drilling is more expensive than trench installation.  Benefit is not only the installation, minimal impact to the roadway.  

Jodi Ross asked if the whole way from Wattaquadock Hill Rd. to Mechanic Street will be one continuous piece.  Ray said there will be one welded joint down Main.  There will be valves in each manhole that will isolate the section of pipe to be pressure tested.

Mark Guinta asked if during the pressure testing the line is inoperable.  Ray answered yes the Houghton building and Safety Building will not be able to use flow.

Andrew Burnett asked how the library will be hooked up.  Ray said the connection will be in back of the library to the public safety building gravity flow from library from the rear lot line.

Pat Bensetler asked about the pipe that takes waste from Emerson.  Ray explained that the manhole covers will they be made water tight.  Pat asked if we were going to monitor the wetland and tree roots they may break the pipe.  Ray pointed out that sewage doesn’t leak out water will leak in.  Pressure tests will identify leaks.

Curt Plante said he understands the abutters concerns.  Everything Ray spoke about is factual and has been tested.  Roots typically only go into clay pipe so the chances of root infiltration is minimal.
It was asked why does Bolton have a 50 ft well regulation but the State only has 10ft.  DEP may suggest 50 but minimum might be 10 ft.  The Board did not know where the 50 ft requirement came from.

It was pointed out that residents have been testing their wells on their own.

Do the abutters still want annual testing if the main is tested regularly.  Once it is put in it is tested.  So if the tank is pumped every two years then the main is pressure tested, this should be put into the permit.  It was noted that this type of installation is less maintenance than a trench installed pipe.

It was asked it there will there be another public forum when the library ties in?  It was explained that the well is located where the hookup to the public safety building Wattaquadock Hill Rd. & Main St.  If the Library goes for a variance when they come before the Board of Health there will be a public hearing.

The system can go gravity from Library to Public Safety otherwise there will need to be two pumps.  Gravity minimizes the septic equipment.  Pipe is close to the bore hole in diameter so there is not a lot of wiggle room.

Probably write in something for a periodic pressure test, the abutters said they want more than every two years then maybe revert back to every two years.

Do a 52lbs psi test or test for 100psi not to overtax the pipe.
If annually testing the system makes the abutters not feel very confident then the manufacturer may have recommended testing information.

The Board reviewed a temporary occupancy request and agreed to extend the temporary occupancy permit to July 30th.

The Board reviewed the presby redesign and requires a letter to be sent indicating they want a 3rd party engineer to review the redesign.

The Board reviewed a variance request for the age of waterfront director.  The Board voted to approve the variance but wants to know the ages and experience of all the lifeguards.

The Board reviewed a request for a modification to the comprehensive permit.  The Board requires a set of all of the floor plans they plan on building.

The Board wants to send letter regarding a trailer on the property.  The letter will explain that there is no temporary housing allowed in the town.

Ken Gikas, Planner Massachusetts Region II Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition discussed the Town of Bolton’s Emergency Plan.  Ken is trying to finalize our plan.  Ken explained that the Florence Sawyer is the school that was chosen as the Emergency Dispensing Site.  Ken said that Nashoba Regional High School was not chosen because it is a school that is shared by other towns.  Ken asked the Board to get the Chair of the Board of Selectmen or Town Administrator to sign off as the public relation contact in the event of an emergency.

The animal inspector wants to know how the Board wants to handle dead birds.  The Board voted to do nothing because the state does not test all birds, anyone reporting a dead bird should call the state.

43 Teele Rd. –12x20 shed.  The Board signed the building permit application.
82 Corn Rd. –2 car garage.  The Board signed the building permit application.
141 Berlin Rd. –20x50 Temp Tent.  The Board signed the building permit application.
116 Barehill Rd. –remodel bathroom & install bedroom door.  The Board signed the permit but wants to hold the permit until Bill Brookings checks to see if the septic was signed off
12 Forbush Mill Rd. – DPW fire damage renovation
1173 Main St. addition – expanding the family room.  The Board signed the building permit application.

Larkin Lumber Sawyer Rd. – The Board said this is not happening tonight a variance hearing is needed.
Maillet Forbush Mill Rd. – new construction variance free.  The board signed the permit
279 Longhill Rd. – Patterson – testing had good modeling, consistent testing perc wise and mottling depth.  
Maximize the ground water offset to septic tank invert.  Board will sign the permit Bill will hold until he addresses tank location and ground water offset.  The Board requires a Long Sewer Lines by Homeowner deed notice.

68 West Berlin Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and noted the presence of a garbage grinder and the property has not been occupied since spring 2006.

JLS Family Trust Enforceable Agreement was signed by Mark Sprague & Andrea Gilbert.