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Board of Health Minutes May 22, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
May 22, 2007                                                                    Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

60 Annie Moore Road – Addition of one room creating a five room home.  After discussion, the Board voted to sign the permit with a two bedroom deed restriction.

Lot 5, 10 Corn Road – Curran.  Approved.
Lot 8 Autumn Lane – No action on permit.  The engineer will need to advise the Board of the resolution of the issues raised by the Conservation Commission.
149 W Berlin Road – Extension Approved


34 Wheeler Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
12 Power Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
77 Bolton Woods Way - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
752 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report, however, the property has been unoccupied since January of  2007.  The Board is requiring re-inspection six months after occupancy.
104 Quaker Lane - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 Inspection Report and no failure criteria was noted in the report, however, the property has been unoccupied since December of  2006.  Due to the fact that there was no flow through the system at the time of inspection, the Board is requiring re-inspection six months after occupancy.  In addition, the septic system is designed for a four bedroom dwelling.  It appears that this home has in excess of 9 rooms.  The Board is requesting a floor plan of the house.  
133 Nashaway Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
142 Kettlehole Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
34 Oak Trail - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
726-728 Main Street – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report, however, the property has been unoccupied since February of 2007.  The Board is requiring re-inspection six months after occupancy.  In addition, DEP required the annual testing of the well on the Fire Department lot abutting this lot.  Until the Board receives a copy of a passing water test for the Fire Department, the report will be considered incomplete.


Mark Sprague was elected Chairman of the Board of Health for a term of one year.  Andrea Gilbert was elected to the Board of Health for a term of three years.


Mr. Wheeler met with the Board to discuss the possibility of converting the existing barn into an in law apartment.  The barn is a detached structure with its own septic system designed for 3 employees a day at approximately 15 gallons per day per person.  Chris Rogers stated that he would like a Title 5 inspection completed on the system.  At the time the Title 5 inspection is completed a perc test and deep hole would need to be completed so that a capacity could be ascertained.


Rob from Ross Associates met with the Board to discuss the addition of ice cream service at Bolton Orchard.  When the leach field was installed, the tanks did not meet the code at that time.  Bolton Orchard was allowed to utilize the tanks with the condition that they install additional grease traps and monitor the system.  Rob is asking if they can move forward with the existing tanks.  It was questioned as to whether ice cream required passage through a grease trap.  Bill Brookings will ask Bridgette from food service if she has an opinion.

After discussion, the Board voted to allow Bolton Orchard to move forward with serving ice cream.  Details as to additional testing and/or monitoring.


Tom DiPersio met with the Board to request variances to upgrade the system.  Mr. Tom Geary, the owner, was also present.  Mr. DiPersio stated that it is a difficult lot.  They are proposing a two bedroom system to be installed in the same place as the failed system as there is no other area on the site for a system.  Mr. DiPersio is requesting the following variances:

Regulation 3:  Groundwater offset
Regulation 5:  Distances which include variances to wetlands, well, property line, tank to house and septic to house.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variances for the upgrade of the system.


Mr. Glover met with the Board to discuss not demolishing the existing house but utilizing the house.  A new home would not be built.  This would require an upgrade of the existing system (septic pit) and drilling a new well.  In order to utilize the existing house, a new plan would have to be drawn showing a fully compliant system that is variance free.  Should this lot require further testing, an out of season variance would be considered.


If the Board of health does not see any action on this property within the next 30 days, the Board will require a Title 5 Inspection be completed.


Toll Bros., has questioned the possibility of installing an irrigation well at the Regency.  Bill Brookings spoke with DEP who advised that it would be allowed provided it was outside the Zone 1.  The Board advised that they would like to be aware of any permits that are applied for through NABH.


Brook James will be stepping down as Town Nurse on June 30, 2007.  NABH Nursing was retained in her place.  It is possible that additional clinic will be available to the town to encompass more than just the seniors.  The Board is being asking where they would like to hold these additional clinics.  After discussion, it was decided that due to the parking restrictions and the need to be buzzed into the building, the Board feels that another location more suitable to an open clinic should be pursued.


Additional testing is to be completed on this site.  A variance hearing has been scheduled for June 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm.  The Board will determine, at a later day, whether they will require an independent review engineer.  


The Board will hold a public hearing on the use of Altocid to control mosquitos on June 12, 2007 at 8:00 pm.  

Meeting adjourned.