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Board of Health Minutes May 8, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
May 8, 2007                                                                     Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

167 Vaughn Hill Road – Addition
110 Harvard Road – Finish Basement.  Approved subject to a four bedroom deed restriction being placed on the property and an annual inspection be completed by a Title 5 Inspector.

308 Harvard Road
Lot 6 Sawyer Road
67 East End Road - Approved


Larry Ducharme and Andy Bendetson met with the Board to request an updated letter from the Board of Heath with regard to the subdivision submission.  The developer will be applying for a public water supply for this development.  Bill Brookings advised that a “water district” would have to be created for this public water supply.  It is believed that this would be created through DEP.

Mark Sprague questioned whether Concom would approve the public water supply within the Conservation Restriction Area.  Mr. Sprague also questioned whether there would be a pump house or service building for this system.  Mr. Sprague advised that this must be shown on the plan.  Mr. Sprague asked how many wells were planned.  Mr. Ducharme advised that they are now drilling the third well and the supply was not as great as they would have liked.  Mr. Sprague also questioned whether he has incorporated an approximate 15% overage for things such as irrigation, swimming pools, etc.  Mr.  Bendetson advised that each lot is designed for 5 bedrooms and he does not believe that they will all be that large.

After discussion, it was agreed that a letter would be sent to the Planning Board advising that if the lots were served by either a public water supply or a variance free well, the Board would no longer find the plan to be deficient.


Present:  Mr. Eric Winkler of Pine Street Consulting, (Hantouch mounding survey representative), Stephen Dix, PE, Robert Kileup, Vin Gately, developer

Jerry Buzanoski met with the board to further discuss the Sunset Ridge project.  Mr. Buzanoski provided the board with a copy of the current plan and Bill Brooking’s review comments.

Mr. Buzanoski advised that Mr. Winkler was present to answer Mark Sprague’s question as to how the mounding software was utilized.  Mr. Winkler advised that the outlets are to the sides and there are limiting factors.  He advised that there had been no testing of this model, however, it is considered to be a conservative software program.  

Mark Sprague asked about the situation concerning Elgin.  Stephen Dix of Elgin advised that DEP had provided inaccurate information which has now been corrected.  Bill Brookings advised that the trenches must be spaced 8 foot apart in accordance with the manual he had been provided with.  If there is an amended handbook, they must provide it to Bill Brookings.  Mr. Brookings advised that if there were going to be changes, he would required DEP approval.

Pursuant to discussion at the Board of Health meeting on April 2, 2007, the Board is requesting further testing due to refusal on test hole 1101-12 and the fact that testing is not uniform throughout the proposed system.

In the past when there were attempts to develop this site, the Board of Health required various requirements such as monitoring wells and an independent engineer to review the plans.  Bill Brookings asked he board whether they would pursue these conditions under the present plan.  The Board advised that they would review the minutes before making a determination.

After discussion it was decided that this matter would be continued until June 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm


The Board of Health required that a full Title 5 Inspection would be required six months after repair of the system.  Correspondence will be sent to the new owner requesting that the report be completed.


The Title 5 Inspection Report submitted is a “failure”.  This system must be upgraded within two (2) years of  the date of the inspection.   Correspondence will be sent to the broker stating that this information must be disclosed to any potential purchaser.

Meeting Adjourned.