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Board of Health Minutes March 27, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
March 27, 2007                                                          Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague

The Board of Health met at Town Hall at 6:30 pm

308 Harvard Road – Ms. Post would like to install a pool on her property and put a bathroom in the existing barn.  Because there is no increase in flow, this would be allowed.  Chris Rogers suggested that this can be accomplished in two parts with the pool being installed and engineering being completed for the bathroom.  To install the pool, the forced main might need to be moved.  Ms. Post will meet again with the Board when her plans are finalized.

Lot 15, 72 Fox Run Road – Transfer

97 Fox Run Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report, however, the property has been unoccupied since November, 2006.  The Board is requiring re-inspection six months after occupancy.


Chuck Brown met with the board to discuss lots in Northwoods.  All the lots that Kendall Homes has in the subdivision have approved septic designs.  Mr. Brown asked Ducharme & Dillis to look at the plans and see if they could redesign any of the systems due to the size, height of the system and location of the house footprint.  The three proposals are DEP approved systems.

Chris Rogers advised that the Board has approved permits on alternative systems; however, none have been installed as of now.  When installing an alternative system it does require an annual Title 5 for a period of three years.

Mr. Brown asked whether the Board would consider a bed system when there is a trench system already in place.  Chris Rogers advised that in the past, the Board has not entertained a bed system when there is an approved trench system.


Chris Slade met with the Board to discuss the recent dust complaint originating from the Bob Davis’ gravel pit on Main Street.  Mr. Slade took over management of the pit in December of 2006.  Mr. Slade stated that this was one of the driest winters.  Because of the lack of snow and the high winds this was a difficult season.  Before Assebet ended their operation, they removed the divider between the two operating portions of the pit.  Mr. Slade advised the Board that he is implementing a plan that puts a temporary fix in place and then he will be altering the layout of the pit.  Tom Christopher advised that the material he will be using does not require Board of Heath approval.  Mr. Slade stated that the dust issues should be down to an acceptable level by May 1st.


Carol Erlich met with the Board to discuss the well/septic issues at 871 Main Street.  In doing the preliminary engineering for the installation of the new septic system, the engineer found that there is a second well on the property.  Ms. Erlich is asking if she can tie into the second well which would then create the needed offset.  The second well is a shallow well.  

After discussion Chris Rogers stated that if the second well does test clean, the Board would have no objection to that well being used provided the well that is currently being used is destroyed.

Ms. Erlich will have a pump test completed to ascertain whether the well can support 880 gallons in a 24 hour period as well as a water quality test.  Once that has been completed she can proceed with tying the well into the house, destroying the existing well and have a new Title 5 completed.


It has come to the attention of the Board that this house is being marketed as a four bedroom dwelling.  The septic permit is for a three bedroom dwelling.  After review of the file, the Board is requesting a floor plan of the house.


The Board reviewed Ducharme & Dillis’ request for Temporary occupancy at 87 Laurel Drive.  After discussion, the Board voted to allow this request for temporary occupancy until June 1, 2007.  By this date, grading over the septic system must be complete, a revised engineer as-built and certification must be submitted and a certificate of compliance must be obtained for the septic system.


The shed in question is over the leaching field.  The shed does not have a foundation and is up on blocks.  In accordance with the Board of Health letter dated February 29, 2007, this shed must be moved.


After reviewing the proposed plan and allocating flows to the various aspects of the property in accordance with the information provided by the owner, only the first floor of the barn can be utilized.  The second floor can only be used as storage space and can not be finished or an additional bathroom installed.


Bruce Slater informed the board that it is his plan to upgrade his property, however, at this time he does not have the funds to do so.  The required easements and land swap are in place.  He will notify the Board when he is in a position to proceed.


609 Wattaquadock Hill Road – Bedroom Restriction

Meeting Adjourned.