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Board of Health Minutes March 13, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
March 13, 2007                                                          Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

Lot 27 – Drumlin Hill – R & D Homes

33 BURNHAM ROAD - Ramerez

David Ross met with the board to discuss the location of the upgraded septic system installed on the property.  In the past, the survey for this property set property lines.  This description dated back many years .  Due to a possible discrepancy in the lot line, a boundary survey was agreed upon between the buyer and seller.  The boundary survey was completed creating the same boundary lines.  Subsequently, Ross Associates, through Mrs. Skinner’s Engineer, found that the boundaries were not correct.  Ross Associates located the beginning point and an oak tree from the original description.  When the true boundaries were found, it was determined that one trench of this system is on the adjoining property.  After discussion between Ross Associates, the abutter Mrs. Skinner and her attorney, it was decided that she would not be interested in entertaining an easement.  Therefore, the trench will be moved.  Mr. Ross advised that he will be redesigning the system to locate the system on the subject property and will keep the board advised of the progress.


Present were Steve Sears of Ross Associates and Chris Tuck, owner of the property

Mr. Sears met with the board to request variance for the upgrade of a septic system.  The current system is in failure.  Many tests holes were done and a majority of the site contains ledge.  There was only one place that they could find depth to place a system and due to the limitation of the site, no reserve could be placed.  The variance requested are as follows:

Regulation 2 – No reserve
Regulation  3 – Out of Season Testing
Regulation 7 (a) – line greater than 100 feet.  The actual distance of the line from the house to the system is 115 feet.
Regulation 16 - Depth of material.  Reg is 5, they have 4 feet, 8 inches.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variances as presented with the requirement of  a yearly inspection of the system by the homeowner.


Carol and David Bradlee and Jon Mechlin

Mr. Mechlin met with the Board to discuss the possibility of an addition to the property.  This is an antique home believed to be a school house converted to living space.  Mr. Bradlee is now confined to a wheel chair and they must now install a handicapped accessible bathroom and a lift to make the house accessible.  This is a small house.  An upgrade was made to the septic system in the early 1990’s.  It was done as a repair to a two bedroom system with no additional flow allowed, however, a five bedroom system was installed.

After discussion, the board voted to allow a deed restriction limiting the number of bedrooms to 2.

Water tests where provided to the board.  Although the testing complies with  Title 5 Regulations, it does not include Bolton requirements.  The owners will complete the additional testing and forward same to the Board.  In order to finalize the septic system permit upgrade dated 2/25/93, the following is required:

1.      Water tests in accordance with Bolton Board of Health Well Regulations;
2.      Title 5 variances must be recorded in the deed of the property as required by DEP approval letter dated 2/16/93.
The board is requiring that all outstanding items be completed and submitted to the Board.


Present:  Brooke James, our current Town Nurse

After discussion, the Board voted unanimously to expand the services of Nashoba Associated Boards of Heath and retain the services of Nashoba Nursing to fill the Town Nurse vacancy beginning July 1, 2007.


All Drumlin Hill lots were approved with trenches.  Kendall Homes owns a portion of the lots in this subdivision.  They are considering requesting the use of alternate technology on some of the remaining lots.  The regulations currently state that trenches should be used when possible.  Bill Brookings is questioning the basis with which the Board can approve an alternative system when a  system with trenches that has already been approved.  The Board is in agreement and if a system has been approved with trenches, each request for an alternate system would have to come before the Board.


Andrea Gilbert met with Dave Boyer of DEP.  He advised that the system is a failure because the distance between the well and cesspool is less that 50 feet.  Ms. Gilbert advised the homeowner that she was required upgrade her system.  A letter will be send requiring upgrade within two years of November, 2006 or the date of the failing Title 5 Inspection Report.

The Board of Health voted unanimously to open groundwater season from March 15, 2007 to April 30, 2007.  However, no testing shall be permitted if there is snow in the testing area regardless of the date with a five foot ground water offset.


The Board of Health appointed Phyllis Tower to the position of Animal Inspector for a one year term.


There have been numerous dust complaints regarding the gravel pit located off Route 117, owned by Chris Slade.  After discussion, the board voted to invite Mr. Slade to the next Board of Health meeting on March 27, 2007 at 7:15 pm.


Representatives of the Town met with DEP to resolve the flows.  DEP is changing the permitting process.  They are moving toward a flat maximum daily amount.  The system that is being looked at has a 40,000 per day average with 80,000 peak.  DEP is happy with the 40,000 continuous.  

Meeting Adjourned.