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Board of Health Minutes February 13, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
February 13, 2007                                                               Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

Lot 2A Green Road – Transfer
Lot 1 – Graustein

15 Laurel Drive – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that property has not been occupied since May of 2006.  The top of any leach field must remain clear.  In addition, the “barn” maybe located over the system.  If so, it would have to be moved.  If the “barn” remains, there can be no additional rooms, including bathrooms, added to the septic system.  


Present:        Jerry Stafensky , Carol Horgan and Paula Brody all of Nashoba Nursing and Hospice, Brooke James, Town Nurse, Selectmen Troup, Gerken and Plante

Representatives of Nashoba Nursing and Hospice (Nashoba) met with the Board of Health and Selectmen to discuss Nashoba’s proposal to fill the vacancy when Town Nurse Brook James steps down in June, 2007.

After reviewing the handouts of services provided by Nashoba, Andrea Gilbert asked Brook James if the services provided were comparable to what her current duties are.  Ms. James responded that she feels that Nashoba would be able to provide more services than she is able to as an individual person.  She further stated that in her position as Town Nurse she did not provide some screening services as well as education.  Her position as Town Nurse was more limited to well adult clinics, adult flu clinics communicable disease reporting and home visits.

Andrea Gilbert asked what the cost would be to replaced Ms. James with another Town Nurse.  Mr. Stafensky stated that it would be comparable to what Ms. James is earning.  Chairman Rogers stated that this meeting is a beginning to the discussions and that the discussions are not a budget question but rather a service question.  

Panny Gerkin asked Ms. James what her recomandation for the Town would be.  She responded that her recommendation would be to engage Nashoba Nursing, especially with the added number of seniors that are relocating into the town.  Nashoba offers so many different services and can integrate services for those that are in need and makes the services more seamless.  She acknowledged that it won’t be a “cozy” a service but there will be the same community nurse servicing the town.  She feels that it is time to become more professional.

Selectmen Gerken asked what other towns are now being serviced by Nashoba.  After being provided with a listing, it was noted that most surrounding towns utilize the services of Nashoba, fourteen in all.  

After questioning by David Lindsay, it was clarified that nursing services come to the residents of Bolton and they do not have to travel to Ayer, where Nashoba is located.  Well adult clinics will be once a month rather than once a week.  It is possible that others can be added.  Carol Horgan is envisioning twice a month once scheduling and be resolved.

Selectmen Gerken and Ms. James stated that the Council on Aging would have to step up to provide more home visits to the communities’ elderly.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross advised that there would be further cost savings by utilizing Nashoba.  Nashoba is proposing a cost to the town of $7,000, which includes flu clinics.  Currently, the town has budgeted an additional $3,000 for this service.  Nashoba confirmed that there will not be any additional costs to residents for their services.  

Chris Roges stated that there is still some time to come to an informed decision on which option would benefit the town most.  Carol Horgan added that if Bolton accepted Nashoba proposal, Nashoba could coordinate with Ms. James to transition the change more smoothly.

In closing, Chairman Chris Rogers thanked Brooke James for her outstanding dedication and service to the residents of Bolton.  


This property has a failing Title 5 report due to the distance between the well and the cesspool.  A well test was completed and both components are functioning correctly with the current flow into the system.  The distance between the components was checked and showed to be less than the required 50 feet.  Mr. Boyer of the DEP stated that since the components are less than fifty feet, the entire system fails and must be upgraded.

The owner of the property, Carol Erlich, is asking if drilling a new well in excess of the required distance will eleveate the need to upgrade the septic system.  Andrea Gilbert will call David Boyer to arrange a meeting to discuss this property and possible alternatives and report back to the board.


Mark Sprague updated the Board on status of the project.  He advised that DEP had concerns that what is being utilized at the “peak flow” is going to be the normal flow and are, therefore,  pushing for the construction of a treatment facility that is twice the size of what is being proposed.  He will continue to keep the Board advised of the status of this project.


Private wells along Main Street have been tested as the result of a gasoline spill some years ago at the Gulf Station on Main Street.  The testing was done at the direction of the DEP.  Recently, the owners of these private homes have gotten letters that, due to the fact that no contaminates have been found, they will cease the testing program.  These residents would like their well to be continued to be tested.

After discussion, it was decided that at this point in time, due to the fact that it is a private well and the testing was at the direction of DEP, it is the owner’s responsibility to continue testing the well.


This gravel pit is owned by Bob Davis and the oversight was recently taken over by Chris Slade.  Chris Slade was contacted and advised that he is working on the problems.  


The Board was made aware of Mr. Slater’s recent application for a catering license through NABA.  After a reviewing the file, the Board would like to ascertain the current status of his desire to increase and upgrade the septic system.  In addition, the Board would like an update on the status of ownership and easements in place.  Lastly, the Board granted temporary seating for 16 seats in 1999.  This has never been finalized.  Correspondence will be sent to resolve the outstanding issues.

It is legal trapping season.  The owner advised Bill Brookings that he will be contacting Beaver Solutions to try and resolve the issues.  There is a question as to whose property the beaver are actually on.  The house has septic pits, which could be in jeopardy with rising water.


The Bolton Board of Health has received and reviewed the Indoor Air Quality Assessment reports for the Emerson School Wing and Florence Sawyer Schools, prepared by Massachusetts Department of Public Health in October 2006.
The reports outline a variety of recommendations needed at both schools.~ Correspondence will be sent requesting to the School System with a request that all plans to address these recommendations be sent to the Board of Health meeting on April 10, 2007.

In addition, a request will be made for the annual census for Sawyer and Emerson school, including all usages, and the number of people at each school, in each grades, etc.  


Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf advised that she had spoken with Town Planner Nat Tipton.  Mr. Tipton advised that a building lot could not be split off of this property.

68 Hudson Road Deed Restriction
94 Fox Run Road Affirmative Covenant

139 Nashaway Road - Bradford
75 Harvard Road – Gibson
158 W. Berlin Road – Buffum

Meeting adjourned.