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Board of Health Minutes January 9, 2007
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
January 9, 2007                                                         Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

104 Sampson Road – D-Box
163 Kettlehole Road – D Box
87 Laurel Drive

718 Main Street – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that the Board needs copies of the two year service agreement and pumping records.  The report will be considered incomplete until same are received by the Board
369 Old Bay Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that Page 10 shows the distance between the tank and well to be 100 feet.  This is not consistent with other Title 5 Reports or the engineering plans submitted in April of 2005.  This report will be considered incomplete until this has been repaired and written verification has been provided to the Board.  In addition, because this property is vacant, the Board is requiring a Title 5 inspection be completed 6 months after occupancy.
163 Kettlehole Road – - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report, which was a conditional pass.  The Board of Health reviewed and signed a D-Box permit on this property.
615 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.


Ms. Mary Olsson met with the Board to discuss the room layout of her home.  After discussion it was determined that the home has 11 rooms and 4 bedrooms with a 4 bedroom septic system.   Ms. Olsson is required to place a four bedroom deed restriction on her property.  Sample language was provided.


Ms. Judith Graves and Mr. Stephen Morte
Present:  Mr. & Mrs. Balco, Gary Klauminzer

Ms. Graves of Ross Associates met with the Board to request a variance for out of season testing.  In season testing was completed but there were additional test holes required.  Two test holes were completed in September of 2006.  The plan, as presented, meets all other Title 5 and Bolton Board of Health requirements.

Mr. Balco stated that in the past the designation for the soils was different.  Mr. Bill Brookings advised that now the industry is using a standardize language and designations for soils.  Mr. Balco also asked if any other variances were granted on this property.   Mr. Brookings advised that the previous plan provided to the Board in January of 2006 placed the system closer than the required 100 feet distance from an adjoining system.   At that time the Board advised Mr. Morte that they would not approve a variance.  The plan has been redrawn.  The plan before the Board meets all requirements.

Mr. Klauminzer advised that in the past he has problems with drainage onto his property and has concerns that this will only make the problems worse.  Mr. Morte stated that Mr. Klauminzer lives downhill.  Ms. Graves showed Mr. Klauminzer the topography of the lot and the slope of the property in question.  Chris Rogers advised that the only issue to be discussed at this Board of Health meeting is Mr. Morte request for an out of season testing variance.  Any other issues involving this property would have to be discussed in the correct forum, not this Board of Health meeting.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve this variance request.


Rich Casaceli met with the Board to discuss an upgrade to an existing system.  The current system in failure.  The variances requested are as follows:

Regulation 3 Groundwater offset distance from 5 feet to 4 feet
Regulation 16 Depth of naturally occurring pervious material from 5 feet to 4 feet

Discussion ensued as to whether the adjoining lot is or could be split off into an additional building lot which could affect the placement of the system upgrade.  Chris Rogers questioned whether the adjoining lot is a “grandfathered” buildable lot.  The question will be asked of Town Planner Nat Tipton.

After discussion the Board voted to approve the requested variances.


This matter is a continued hearing from December 12, 2006

Lots 1, 2 & 3 Long Hill Road have been approved by the Planning Board, however, the appeal period does not expire until January 10, 2007.  Lot 1 has been changed from a bed to trenches.

The Permits were approved but will be held by NABH until the appeal period on the subdivision has been expired.

Lot 3 – Out of season testing approved.


Carol Erlich met with the Board to request a variance as to the distance between the cesspool and well.  The requirement is 50 feet and the actual distance is 47 feet.  Well tests were completed and the well passed.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the request.


Chris Slade met with the Board to discuss the direction that the planning for the new library is going.  It is his feeling that the group working on the library project has not give the issue of well and septic for this new building enough consideration before moving forward.

After discussion, it was decided that Chris Rogers, a member of the Library Building Committee,  would advise that the Board of Health would like to discuss the proposed upgrade as it pertains to the library and fire station.


Bill Brookings advised that the treatment equipment has been installed and the well has been retested.  The only remaining issue to the certificate of compliance being issued is the recording of the Restrictive Covenant.  Administrative Assistant will contact Mr. LeMays attorney for a status.

Meeting Adjourned.