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Board of Health Minutes November 14, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
November 14, 2006                                                               Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

25 Power Hill Road – Approved with a bedroom deed restriction

Vaughn Hill, Lot 1 – Extension request.  Letter sent asking for more information.
Lot 5 Corn Road – Reissue of a permit that has expired twice.
Lot 26 Drumlin Hill – Transfer
Lot 9 Oak Trail - Transfer

31 Whitcomb Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report
Camp Resolute - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report
79 Sampson Road - The Title 5 Inspection Report submitted certifies that the subsurface sewage disposal system (SDS) is a “failure”.  According to the provisions of Title 5,  310 CMR 15.000, the SDS shall be “upgraded” within two (2) years  from the date of the inspection or sooner if ordered by the local Board of Health.
47 Sugar Road - The Title 5 Inspection Report submitted certifies that the subsurface sewage disposal system (SDS) is a “failure”.  According to the provisions of Title 5,  310 CMR 15.000, the SDS shall be “upgraded” within two (2) years  from the date of the inspection or sooner if ordered by the local Board of Health.


Michele Wilson, the homeowner, met with the Board to discuss the Board’s requirement for Title 5 re-inspection six months after occupancy.  Bill Brookings explained what work was completed at the property.  Mark Sprague explained that there is no way of knowing at this time whether the corrective work that was done allows the system to function correctly.  Mrs. Wilson asked if a complete Title 5 needs to be done.  The Board advised that it does require a complete Title 5 retest.  

276 WATT HILL – Monineau

Mr. Monineau met with the Board to discuss a required upgrade to the septic system at 276 Wattaquadock Hill Road.  To upgrade the system would require a complete reworking of the property and create a raised system.

Mr. Monineau is proposing a Presby system.  Bill Brookings explained that in order to use the site of the old system, the engineer would have to show that there was adequate soil depth at the old site.  Mr. Brookings stated the Presby system could lower the profile of the system and the size of the system; however, this system does also require a special type of sand and an annual inspection of the system.  Mr. Monineau will need to consider the pros and cons of each system.  Mr. Monineau provided the Board with information on this system.


Steve Egnatz and Thaddeus Scola met with the Board to discuss the possible installation of a geothermal well on the Bosselait property.  Mr. Egnatz provided the Board with a plan of the proposed well.  What is proposed is an 800 foot deep well that will go into a heat pump unit and then return to the well.  It is a closed unit.  Mr. Scola stated that the unit takes the water offered to it and puts it through a heat exchange and the heat taken from the water is distributed into the house.  The water returned to the well is at a lower temperature than when it was extracted.

This is a green technology that allows one to heat and cool ones home without the use of oil, gas or coal.  Mr. Scola advised the Board that in the worse case scenario, a minute amount of HCL could be dispersed into the water system.  The Board asked if the location of the well could conform to the current Bolton Board of Health Well Regulations.  Mr. Egnatz stated that the well could be move back an additional 12 feet, more or less, to conform to these regulations.  Andrea Gilbert stated that if at some point this geothermic well were to be used as potable water, it would already be in compliance.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the use of the geothermic well for the heating and cooling of the Bosselait home.

15 DANFORTH LANE – Scott and Jean Richard

Mr. and Mrs. Richard met with the Board to discuss the installation of a pool on their property.  What is being requested is a variance to the Bolton well regulation requiring a 25 foot offset from the well head.  They are requesting a variance to a 15 foot offset.

This pool utilizes salt and not chlorine to sanitize the pool water.  What is suggested is that a drain be placed at the end of the pool closest to the well head.

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variance subject to the following conditions:

Patio be pitched away from the well and a physical drain be installed to divert any runoff a distance in excess of 25 feet from the well head.  A follow-up inspection will be required.


Craig Martin from Ducharme & Wheeler met with the Board on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. West.  This is a voluntary system upgrade, presently there is a cesspool.  Due to the location of the structures as the currently exist on the property as well and the location of wetlands, Mr. Martin is requesting the following variances:

Regulation 3 – Groundwater Elevation
Regulation 5 – Distances
Regulation 16 – Ledge

After review of the plan and discussion, the Board is requesting that further investigation and testing be completed to better place the new system.

The hearing was continued to November 28, 2006 at 8:00 pm


Brooke James resigned as Bolton Town Nurse, effective June 30, 2007.

44 Wilder Road – Number of rooms vs. permit

There is a question as to whether the size of the home is in conformity with the approved septic plan.  Correspondence will be sent requesting floor plans of the home.

102 Kettlehole Road – Number of rooms vs. permit

There is a question as to whether the size of the home is in conformity with the approved septic plan.  Correspondence will be sent requesting floor plans of the home.

871 Main Street – Erlich distance between well and cesspool (approx 48 feet).  The Board is requesting that the distance be re-measured before deciding a course of action.


Bermann – 26 Corn Road
Nelson – 27 Annie Moore Road
Bundy – 51 Vaughn Hill Road

Meeting Adjourned.