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Board of Health Minutes September 12, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Chris Rogers
September 12, 2006                                                              Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Mark Sprague
The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

435 Main Street – D-Box Permit Approved
Lots 5,7,14 Drumlin Hill – Transfers Approved
Lot 2 Watt Hill (R. Boyle) – No action taken.  The Board is requesting that Mr. Boyle come in to talk about the upgrade of the septic system at 305 Wattaquadock Hill Road (Perham) when he develops placeLot 2.
67 East End Road – Tank Permit Approved

435 Main Street – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and it is a conditional Pass and requires a new D-Box.  The permit was signed tonight.  The report is not fully filled out (pages 4 and 6) and is considered incomplete until the form is properly completed.
437 S. Bolton – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that the system requires further evaluation.  The D-Box is clogged with roots.  The roots need to be removed and the system reinspected in six months.    
34 Long Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report


New placeLot
James Tetreault of Thompson-Liston Associates met with the Board to discuss the above property.  Mr. Tetreault is looking for direction from the board as to whether they would consider a variance to the 150 foot setback from a well on perc testing.  Mr. Tetreault feels that this perc test was an anomaly.

Chris Rogers stated that he does not have a problem with this type of situation. Mark Sprague was in agreement and that he is familiar with this area of Bolton and it would be acceptable. Andrea Gilbert is in agreement.

Existing House
Mr. Tetreault is before the board to ascertain whether the Board is accepting subsoils consistent with the new Title 5 regulations.  There is only one out of four holes that had subsoil and it extends to 24 inches.  The board advised that a variance to Regulation 16 would be necessary if this test hole was used which in turn would require a Regulation 9 variance.  

The engineer proposed doing an additional test hole, the Board agreed.


Paul Texiera of Rcap Solutions (Management Company for Bolton Country Manor) met with the Board at the Board’s request.  Chairman Chris Rogers advised that the request was made due to the lack of hot water at the Sr. Housing for an extended period of time.  Since the building was occupied there have been issues of no heat, no air conditioning and no hot water.

Mr. Texiera gave the board a short history on the building.  Mr. Texiera and Rcap Solutions came into the project after construction and inherited the problems associated with it.  He stated that the builder went bankrupt a week after the project was completed.  The bonding company stepped in but was not helpful in resolving the issues.  Rcap Solutions has gone back to HUD to try and resolve the issues and for further funding.

Many of the original builders subcontractors were not paid so they were unwilling to come back and either complete or repair the building and its components.  He feels that he is close to resolution with the bonding company.  He also has an agreement with HUD that they will provide additional funding should there be further repairs required.  The chiller is going to be repaired so that the central air will be in working order which is preferable to the existing window units.

Mr. Rogers asked Mr. Texiera if he feels that he and his company does have a handle on the outstanding and potential issues and how they will be resolved, including funding.  Mr. Rogers also questioned how the problem of no hot water could have gone on so long.

Mr. Texiera stated that many of the systems were rigged so as to allow completion.  He is now in the process of having the work properly completed.  He does feel that he has the situation under control.


Mr. McGovern met with the board to discuss the fact that the SDS permit on this property has expired.  The system was installed in 2004, the permit expired in 2005.  The house is under contract to be sold.  Title 5 regulations changed in April of 2006 and this system does not comply with the new regulations.

After discussion the Board is requiring three risers on the tank, magnetic tape on the d-box and a riser on the d-box if it is over 9 inches deep.    They also require that Mr. McGovern apply for a new permit.  Once the modifications to the system have been completed and the new permit application including fee is submitted, the board will approve the new permit.


The leach field at Mr. Perez’s property has become overgrown.  There is a recorded Notice of Variance on Mr. Perez’s deed requiring an annual inspection by the homeowner.  Correspondence will be sent requesting the leach field be clearing and an annual inspection performed.

389 BERLIN ROAD – Haying over the leach field.  

The Board reviewed the location of this property.  It is the Board’s recollection that this property has been hayed in the past and can reasonably continue to be hayed as necessary.   However, the d-box is not designed for vehicular traffic and would need protection.


Presently, the Board has encumbered monies with regarding to the monitoring of our capped landfill on addressStreetForbush Mill Road.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross has asked if these monies can be released.  After discussion, the Board voted to continue to hold the monies until they have assurances from DEP that additional testing, beyond what is conducted yearly, is not required.


Brigitte Braley of NABH noted additional seating outside.   There is a question as to whether this seating has an effect on the septic system or whether the patrons use porta potties which are on site.  Bill Brookings of NABH will contact the owner of the Winery for clarification.


Signed by Chairman Chris Rogers


153 Randall Road – Bedroom Deed Restriction -Rogers

Meeting adjourned.