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Board of Health Minutes June 13, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Chris Rogers
June 13, 2006                                                                   Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

336 Sugar Road – Above Ground Pool
89 Spectacle Hill Road - Addition

6 Corn Road - Transfer

7 Teele Road  - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report
153 Wilder Road  - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and there were no distances on the sketch of the system.  The report is considered incomplete until the information is received by the Board.
357 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that it was a failure.  The owner will be notified that the SDS must be upgraded within two (2) years from the date of the failed inspection.


Present:  Craig Martin representing Ducharme & Dillis

Ms. Larson provided the Board with a written synopsis of the situation to date.  Mr. Martin stated that this was the first opportunity that any information was provided to resolve the matter.

Chris Rogers stated that he feels that the matter of payment is a civil matter and the Board should not be caught in the middle.

Mr. Martin agreed but would like to discuss this situation with the partners of Ducharme & Wheeler.  Mr. Rogers would prefer to have both parties at the meeting, however, the Board does require the installer’s as-built.

This matter was continued until June 27, 2006 at 7:45 pm.


Mr. & Mrs. McDonald met with the Board to discuss two conflicting Title 5 evaluations.  Beland Septic did the original report indicating a conditional pass requiring a D-Box replacement.  Subsequently Casaceli Trucking inspected the property.  Casaceli Trucking indicated that although the D-Box did show some signs of wear, it does not require replacement.  The McDonald’s are asking the Board to determine whether they will require replacement of the D-Box.

After discussion, the Board voted to accept the opinion of Casaceli on the condition that Board members and Bill Brookings inspect and find that the condition is as described by John of Casaceli Trucking.  Appointment set for Friday, June 16, 2006.

Present:  Neil Gorman and Mr. Graustein.

Bill Brookings stated that the water results have been received and they are within range for all chemicals tested.    Mr. Gorman provided the Board with pictures of the improvements on the property.  

What is being requested is a variance for the well on place Lot 3 and a pump system on the reserve of the currently improved lot.

Lot 1:  Variance free

Lot 2:  Mr. Rogers stated it is his opinion that since the variance affects the reserve and not the primary, the Board is comfortable with granting a variance.  A Title 5 has been completed and it is a passing report.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve the request.

Lot 3:    The distance from the well to the wetland is 53 feet and is inside the 100 foot buffer zone.  It is above the high water mark by 4 to 5 feet.  This lot will require a hearing before ConCom.  Carol Gumbart is requesting that approval by the Board of Health be subject to approval by ConCom.

Chris Rogers spoke in favor of approving the request.  Mark Sprague stated that he is not in favor of approving the request and it has been the Board’s policies not to approve variances on new construction.

After discussion, the Board voted as follows:  Rogers – yes; Sprague – no, Gilbert – no.  Variance denied.

A discussion as to why the Board adopted a 100 foot offset ensued.  Mr. Sprague stated that he is not knowledgeable enough as to why this regulation was created to be willing to vary the distance.  He believes that there is a health reason that precipitated the creation of this distance regulation.


Ken Nicewicz met with the Board with regard to putting an addition on the farm house.  The Board requested that a Title 5 Inspection report be completed.  Mr. Nicewicz reported that they would be doing a voluntary upgrade on the property.  After discussion, the Board voted to sign the building permit application with the understanding that a voluntary upgrade would be completed.  Correspondence will be sent asking for a timetable to complete the upgrade.


A call was received from placePlaceNameEmerson PlaceTypeSchool stating that there were turtle eggs in the sand boxes.  Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf contact DPW to have the affected sandboxes fenced off.  After discussion, the Board directed that correspondence be sent to the school asking that the school cover or create an appropriate barrier around the sand boxes during turtle breeding season which is the middle of May until the end of June each year.


Bill Brookings provided the Board with revised plans for the Pondside development, which has now been renamed the Regency at placeBolton.  The actual number of units remains the same, however, they have changed the layout of the units on the property.  After discussion, the changes were approved and a revised permit was signed.


A Title 5 inspection report was provided to the Board and was a failing report.  Correspondence will be sent to the owner requiring upgrade within two years of the date of the failure.  Bill Brookings believes that they have also crossed the public water supply threshold.  The Board is request that the owner provide the number of people that could be at the property at any give time.


In June of 2005, the Board signed off on a building permit, conditioned upon the residence being completed by June 1, 2006 to ascertain that the total number of rooms in the residence complies with the current septic permit.  Correspondence will be sent requesting a plan of the property as currently improved.  A site visit will be scheduled.


Pat Larson – Bedroom Restriction and Long Sewer Line Notice

Meeting Adjourned.