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Board of Health Minutes March 28, 2006
013fBoard of Health                                     Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Chris Rogers
March 28, 2006                                                  Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

64 Green Road – Above Ground Pool

Crispen – 310 Green Road, plus two lots


Present:  Gerry Buzinowski and Scott Dixon, abutters Ron and Susan Lockwood, Doug Clowes

Mr. Buzinowski met with Board to request variances for the above property.  Mr. Buginowski provided the Board with some history on the property.  Sometime between 1981 and 1983 an interceptor drain was installed.  It was determined that the drain did not work in the way that was anticipated.  Chris Rogers asked what Mr. Buzinowski’s opinion was as to why it didn’t work.  He stated that he didn’t feel it was deep enough, however, he did not feel that it would have been a solution to the problem regardless of how deeply it was installed.

When the property was re-perced, the primary ran fine but the reserve was very slow.  The reserve did not perc.  Between 1990 and 1997 there were many tests done and 3 good percs were obtained.  Over time, the regulations changed.  Monitor wells were installed to gather more information.  Again, the regulations changed.  In the summer of 2005, Mr. Buzinowski rejoined Ducharme and Dillis.  As of January 1, 2004 perc rates between 30 and 60 were acceptable under Title 5 Regulations.  He feels that the soils shown are typical of the properties along this street.  The proposed system does meet current Title 5 regulations.

Mrs. Lockwood, an abutter, asked that if the stream located on the property is shown on the property.  Mr. Buzinowski stated that the wetland line was determined by ConCom within the last few months.  There were also questions as to the current flooding and water across the property.  Mr. Buzinowski that he feels that a drain will have to be installed, however, the water will continue to flow down the slope on the property.

Mr. Clowes asked that the plan be further explained.  The plan has been redrawn to have the tank further from the abutting wells.

Ms. Lockwood stated that the hill is a very wet hill and a large portion of the lot is wet.  She feels that it is very wet, but there is a large portion of the year that there will be a very high water table.  She is afraid that this will cause the system to fail with the additional water.

Chris Rogers stated that the Board has never waived the 30 mpi perc rate.  Until there is a time that there is a Bolton Board of Health regulation change, he is not in favor of approving this variance.  

Mark Sprague stated that in general the Board has not granted variances on new construction.  The variances that have been granted are out of season testing.  Chris Rogers stated that for him, the perc rate over 30 mpi is a problem.  Although DEP has changed the regulations from 30 mpi to 60 mpi, they have not provided the local boards with the backup information.  Without the backup information, the Board is unwilling entertain the variance.

Mr. Buzinowski asked if it was worth keeping the hearing open.  The Board members indicated that it would not be worth keeping the hearing open.  Mark Sprague stated that the lot is very marginal at best.

Mr. Dixon asked why, if the State has made a change, the local Board has not made the change.  Mark Sprague stated that the Board has not granted this variance in any other case and will not entertain it in this case.  Mark Sprague stated that if the variance were denied, it would not negatively impact the property in the future.

After discussion, the Board voted to unanimously to deny the variance request.


Bolton Woods Way – After discussion, the Board voted to reaffirm their decision to strongly suggest that the septic tanks be pumped annually.


On April 12, 2005, the Board of Health approved a septic permit on Lot 5, Harvard Road for Moss Development.  As a condition of the approval, the Board voted to require a long sewer line inspection agreement be prepared and recorded on this property.  Because this requirement is on the reserve, the Board voted to waive this condition and not require recording of the restriction until the reserve system is installed.  At that time, a new permit would be issued and this requirement could be considered as part of the permitting process.


There is currently a permit on the property that is due to expire shortly.  There were variances granted for the installation of the well.  The well could be installed prior to the expiration of the permit.  Because this is a development, the wells and septic systems are fixed and cannot be moved.  

After discussion, the Board advised that the well should be installed prior to the expiration of the permit.  Mr. Rogers will have to re-submit plans for a new septic permit as the existing permit has already been extended.


The plans show three wells that are mis-numbered.  Until an official plan is received, there is nothing to comment on.  DEP will approve the well sites, the local Board will approve the septic.


Emerson/Florence Sawyer Schools were closed due to lack of water.  There were problems with the well and or pump.  After discussion, the Board is requesting that should this ever occur again, the entity closing the school contact members of the Board of Health advising what the problem is by telephone and by email.


The Board requested that Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf contact Town Nurse Brooke James with regard to monitoring Mr. Perham’s health and well being.  Ms. Schnepf will report back to the board as soon as the information is received.


Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf contacted Nashoba Associated Boards of Health to get guidance on planning for pandemic planning for the Town of Bolton.  Jim Garreffi, Agency Director for NABA advised that he is in the process of creating an emergency plan and has been in contact with various officials from the Town of Bolton.  He will keep the boards advised as the program progresses.

Meeting Adjourned.