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Board of Health Minutes April 25, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Chris Rogers
April 25, 2006                                                          Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

48 Manor Road – Deck
69 Annie Moore Road - Deck
323 Sugar Road – Above ground pool
385 Berlin Road – Addition – Approved subject to reducing the number of rooms in the presently existing house and placing a 6 bedroom deed restriction on the property.
Lot 9 Oak Trail – Approved, subject to building plans showing 12 rooms total with 5 bedroom deed restriction

Lot 27 Oak Trail – Transfer
Lot GW-3 Green Road - Transfer
Lot 1 Oak Trail
Lot 6 Oak Trail
Lot 7 Oak Trail – Annual Inspection by Title 5 Inspector
Lot 22 – Oak Trail
Lot 23 – Oak Trail
Lot 21 – Ledgewood Circle (Drumlin Farms) Kendall Homes

6 Merrinott Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
556 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
199 Still River Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
71 Spec Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
473 Sugar Road – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and noted that it was a failure.  The owner will be notified that the SDS must be upgraded within two (2) years from the date of the failed inspection.


Craig Martin was present representing Mr. Beddard.  This septic system and house have been completed.  The septic permit expired without the final as-builts being submitted.  Mr. Beddard applied for a new permit which requires a variance.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variance.


Mr. O’Hagen was not present to meet with the Board.


Brandon Ducharme was present representing the owner, Chuck Black of Kendall Homes.  This lot has a satellite SDS System.  The current permit on this lot has the house placement at the rear of the lot with the forced main running behind the adjoining lot.  Mr. Black would like to move the house to the front of the lot and run the forced main along the street, through the adjoining lot, rather than around the back of the house.  This would require an easement across the adjoining lot, which Mr. Black also owns.  

Mr. Ducharme is also requested that the distance from the house to the leaching facility be in excess of 500 feet to allow more flexibility in the placement of the house.  In addition, Mr. Ducharme is requesting a variance to regulation 8a, requiring that a leaching facility be on the property it services and regulation 7c, length of sewer line.

Mark Sprague stated that as a condition of approval, the Board would require that they approve the easement language being placed in the deed of the adjoining lot. He stated that the language would need to be clear and include that the front portion of the lot will be restricted, that should the system need repair, the easement area will be subject to excavation.  The easement language will need to be comprehensive.  This system will also require an annual inspection by a Title 5 inspector.

After discussion, the Board felt that moving the forced main to the front of the property was an improvement over the currently approved septic plan.  However, Mark Sprague stated he would not be willing to approve an additional distance with the placement of the house beyond the require 500 feet.  If the proposed placement of the house moves beyond the required 500 feet, the plan would have to come before the Board again for review.

Inasmuch as the current placement of the house is within the regulations, Mr. Ducharme withdrew his request for a variance for the house to be in excess of 500 feet from the system.


Present:  Neil Gorman, Ross Associate, Abutters Jim Flaherty and Ben Dowds

Mr. Gorman met with the Board to request variances in order to subdivide the above lots.  Currently the lot houses a small manufacturing company.  Mr. Gorman is proposing to split off a residential lot on either side of the current structure.  

Lot 1:  New residential Lot that is variance free

Lot 2:  Current industrial structure.  A variance is need as the reserve area that is proposed as a pump system when the primary is gravity.

Lot 3:  New residential Lot.  Regulation 5, well location.  The required offset from a wetland is 100 feet.  What is proposed is 52 feet.

Jim Flaherty, a resident on Sugar Road stated that at the time he purchased his house, his well tested positive for traces of chloroform.  He stated that he was told that Chloroform is not naturally occurring in a water supply.  He can provide the Board with a copy of the water test results.

When the well for the houses on the adjoining parcels were tested, there were also traces found of MBTE.  

Mr. Flaherty asked for the Board to explain why we would have a regulation with regard to the location of the well to the wetland.  It was explained that this regulation is to make sure that it is protect from any surface flooding.

Lot 2,  is the manufacturing site itself.  On new construction, whatever system is installed on the primary, the same must be used on the reserve.  On Lot 2, this is not the case.  The board stated that they would consider this variance with the condition that a complete water test be completed and submitted to the Board.  

After discussion, the Board voted to hold off on a decision on this project until the well testing has been completed and reported to the Board.  The Board would like to know what is being collected in the 55 gallon drums so that complete testing can be done.

This hearing was continued until May 23, 2006 at 7:00 pm


Craig Martin of Ducharme and Dillis has requested an extension to complete the cottage tie in at the property.  The work has been completed.  The deed restrictions have not been recorded and the as-built has not been paid for.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve the request for extension until May 18, 2006.  No further extension will be granted.


Rubbish and Swine Licenses were approved and signed for the following:

Waste Management
Kristoff & Sons, Inc.
Tully Disposal & Recycling
JoBarb Contracting, Inc.
C & B Enterprises


The Yearly Operational Plan for The Town of Bolton was signed by Chairman Mark Sprague and will be return to Harold Brown, DPW Director.


Form 9A/9B was signed by the Board


A new well is being installed at this property.  The owner has requested to retain the existing well for irrigation purposes.  After discussion, the Board required information on the new well before making a decision.


It was reported that an overnight load test on the sheep field was completed.  The testing came out really well.  Basically they are looking at a design of 25,000 gallon per day with fill of 3 to 4 feet.  The total estimate for the population will allow for expansion.  Adding additional fill to allow for a soccer field.

Meeting Adjourned.