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Board of Health Minutes February 28, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Chris Rogers
February 28, 2006                                                               Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

159 Fox Run Road

720 Main Street – Water test results and a well construction diagram were received together with a sketch of the floor plan.  There is a previous failure on nitrate with a current pass on nitrate.  The well on the property is a shallow dug well in the basement.  After discussion, the Board voted to require an additional water test for nitrates and ammonia and, if a passing test is received, the Board reserves the right to requiring an annual water test.
133 Fox Run Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria were noted in the report.
93 Teele Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria were noted in the report.


Martha Ashe and Elizabeth Bagdonis met with the Board to discuss the manure issues at 92 Sampson Road.  Ms. Ashe discussed her concerns with the dumpster and the fact that Ms. Storbeck does not keep the dumpster covered at all times.  She also stated that the tarp that is being used does not fully cover the dumpster.  Ms. Ashe provided the Board with photographs and correspondence between herself and Ms. Storbeck.  Ms. Ashe stated part of the problem stems from the location of the barn in proximity to the property line, which is 25 feet.  Ms. Ashe stated that she feels that there are other places on the property that the dumpster could be housed.

Chris Rogers reminded Ms. Ashe that in July of last year, the parties were in agreement as to the current location of the dumpster.  He feels that the dumpster is not covered as well as it could be.  Ms. Ashe believes that it may smell more on the weekends than it does on weekdays.  She cannot account for this.

Elizabeth Bagdonis stated that she does not understand why is has an odor at some times and not at others.  She also believes that the warmer weather does have an impact on the odor.  She stated that Ms. Storbeck is using both the dumpster and dump trailer for the storage of manure.  She feels that the odor can be dependent on the wind direction.  She stated that she has no objection to the horses or the barn and both are well maintained.  She hopes that when the manure regulations are discussed that the concerns of both she and Martha will be considered.  She feels that the dumpster could be placed on another portion of the property.  The members of the Board reminded Ms. Bagdonis and Ms. Ashe that the present location of the dumpster was agreed upon at the July, 2005 Board of Health meeting.

Mark Sprague stated that the Board of Health’s ability to intervene in this situation is based solely on a nuisance being present.  The Board has not found any odor present after many, many site visits, never mind a nuisance odor.  Ms. Bagdonis stated that she does not want to be a monitor for another’s property.  She does believe that the manure storage could be on another portion of her property.  

Andrea Gilbert looked through other town’s manure regulations and stated that generally the offset for manure is anywhere from 10 feet to 50 feet.

Mark Sprague stated that to this point, there has been no odor noted.  Ms. Bagdonis and Ms. Ashe are asking if board members should be called whenever there is an odor.  The Board advised that should there be a strong odor that calling Board Members would be appropriate.

Chris Rogers stated that he does not feel that Sue Storbeck has done what she could have in the spirit of what was agreed upon, especially with regard to keeping the dumpster completely covered, however, the Board’s efforts at mitigation have not solved the problem.  He does not feel that there is a nuisance present at the Storbeck property.

Chris Rogers stated that the Board would have to discuss this further before making a determination.  Martha Ashe stated she has contacted others including Selectmen to try and resolve the issue.  Ms. Ashe and Ms. Bagdonis stated that they will continue to contact the Board with regard to this issue.


Present was Mr. Tom Pokorney.  Mr. Pokorney provided the Board with a copy of the tear sheet, however the return receipt cards were unavailable.

Mr. Pokorney is requesting the following variances:

Reg 3 – inseason testing

Reg 9 – no variances on new construction.

Due to the fact that out of season is testing is requested, it triggers Regulation 9.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve the requested variances based on the fact that is has been the policy of the Board to grant variances to Regulation 3, out of season testing, on new construction.  The permit will be held until the green cards are received.

New Lot on Pokorney property.  This lot is variance free.  The system will be a mounded system.  After a review of the plan the Board voted to require an annual inspection of the system by the homeowner.


The Board of Health voted unanimously to open groundwater season from March 15, 2006 to April 30, 2006.  However, no testing shall be permitted if there is snow in the testing area regardless of the date.


Bruce Hamlin, Town Planner for the Town of Lancaster, has approach the Town of Bolton to discuss the possibility of joining with Lancaster to apply for a block grant.  Repairs for Bolton residents that would be eligible under this grant include the upgrade of failed septic systems.  After discussion, the Board voted to recommend joining the Town of Lancaster in their application.


In response to their request, the Board of Health has received two estimates, one from Bill Vattes and one from Casaceli Trucking, to complete septic system upgrade and installation of a new well at the above property.  One of the installers contacted has advised that he is not interested in submitting an estimate and Chris Merrill has advised that he will be submitting one shortly.


Mark Sprague updated the member of the Board on the treatment plant as follows:  The monitoring wells are installed and the testing is scheduled for this week.  There are three options in play.  On March 8th there is road show starting at the High School and two other places that highlight the three types of plants.  All are welcome to attend.


The MA DEP and Central Mass Associated Board of Health are sponsoring a seminar on March 15, 2006 at Quinsigmond Community College.  Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf was designated to attend.

Meeting Adjourned.