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Board of Health Minutes January 10, 2006
Board of Health                                         Present:        Andrea Glbert
                                                                                Chris Rogers
January 10, 2006                                                                Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

53 Fox Run Road, Lot 24 – CNC Builders – New Construction – Information not complete, building permit not considered

Lots 9 & 11 Drumlin Hill – Transfer
Lots 18, 20,– Drumlin Hill
Lot 26 Drumlin Hill – Approved subject to an Annual Inspection of sewer Line by Title 5 Inspector
Lot 19, Drumlin Hill – Approved subject to an Annual Inspection of sewer line by homeowner
Lot 27, Drumlin Hill – Approved subject to an Annual Inspection of sewer line by Title 5 Inspector
Lot 28, Drumlin Hill – Approved subject to an Annual Inspection of sewer line by homeowner if and when reserve area is utilized.
Lot 1 Harvard Road – Transfer
Lot 2, 300 Harvard Road – Sewer Line by Title 5 Inspector

295 Watt Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
71 Bolton Woods Way – The Title 5 Inspection Report submitted noted that the D-Box is rotten and requires replacement.  Correspondence and an application was sent to the homeowner.  This report is considered incomplete until the D-Box has been replaced and a Certificate of Compliance has been issued.
608 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.


Present:  Mark Donohoe, Steve Morte,

Mr. Donohoe and Mr. Morte met with the Board to discuss an expired septic permit on a vacant lot of land adjourning his house lot.  Mr. Donohoe explained that although the existing system and proposed system would be less than what is required by BOH regulations, the systems would flow parallel to one another and not into one another.  Mr. Donohoe further explained that the primary and reserve could be switched.  Mark Sprague stated that the Board has not, in the past, approved variances that would allow a lot to come in existence that without one would not be buildable even when a permit had existed in the past under different regulations.  The prior permit was not acted on and expired in 1997.

Chris Rogers stated that he might be more inclined to grant the variance with the primary and reserve swapped.  The testing on the lot dates back to 1988.  They have not pursued recent testing to try and relocate the system.  After discussion, the Board advised that further soil testing and relocation of the system to meeting current regulations would be the best option open to Mr. Morte.


Bevlyn Quinn from Hannigan Engineering

Ms. Quinn met with the Board to discuss whether a variance is required on an exiting well that does not meet current offsets.  In February of 2001, the Board voted to require a restrictive covenant on the adjourning property or the well would have to be moved.  After discussion, the Board voted to not require a new variance hearing for the well and just proceed with the plans.


Chambers vs. trenches.  The Board advised Mr. Farnsworth of what the Board is requiring in order to switch to a chamber system.  The chamber system does require annual Title 5 inspections.  Andrea Gilbert had concerns that should the system fail in the second year and the permit was approved to the building, the homeowner would then be responsible for a new system, which might not be fair to the homeowner.

Continued until January 24, 2006 meeting.


Craig Martin of Ducharme and Wheeler requested an extension for the installation of the repair to the cottage on the property.  After discussion, the Board voted to allow the requested extension, however, any further extensions will require a meeting before the Board prior to the expiration of the extension.


Neither Mr. Perham nor his representatives have repairs the septic system or drilled a new well.  Based on the agreement signed by the Board, the Board has the right to take responsibility for repair of the system and the new well.  After discussion, the Board voted to pursue completing the work required at the property with the funds available being held in escrow.


After review of the Title 5 Inspection report for 71 Bolton Woods Way, Chris Rogers stated that he believed that there was a requirement for annual pumping of the septic tanks.  Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf will research this matter and report back to the Board.


The Selectmen, through Town Administrator Jodi Ross has requested a flu clinic be provided.  Town Nurse, Brooke James, has included an additional $2,500 in her budget to provide a clinic in the fall of 2006.   Brooke James will coordinate with NABH to provide this clinic.

Meeting adjourned.