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Board of Health Minutes December 13, 2005
Board of Health                                         Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                                Chris Rogers
December 13, 2005                                                               Mark Sprague

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

22 West Berlin Road
25 Weather Lane – Bathroom remodel

720 Main – D-Box
Lot 15 & 16 – Drumlin Hill Road
Lot 18 – The Oaks – Extension
Lot 17 – The Oaks – Extension
Lot 39 Fox Run Road – Transfer
Lot 8 – Drumlin Hill Road – House relocation
5 Harvard Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report, however, the report noted a separate laundry system which requires inspection.  After contacting the inspecting agent, there is no separate laundry system, there was a typographical error on the report.  The inspecting agent will forward a corrected page to be placed in the report.
84 Sampson Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
87 Teele Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report, however, the property is unoccupied.  Reinspection of the system is required six months after occupancy.
101 Wilder Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
720 Main Street – The Title 5 report is incomplete inasmuch as there are no water tests performed on the wells on the premises.


Present:  Stephen Sears, on behalf of the owner; William and Judith Leonard, abutters

Mr. Sears met with the Board to request upgrade variances on the above property as follows:

Reg 2 – Reserve Area not shown due to offset from well and wetlands
Reg 4 – Two Perc tests in primary area.  One perc meets Title 5 regulations.
Reg 7a:  Length of sewer line from foundation to leach area not to exceed 100 feet.  Requesting 215 feet.

The property is currently for sale.  This is an upgrade from a cesspool.  In order to eliminate variances they chose to go to a septic tank and pump chamber.   After review of a letter submitted by Mrs. Skinner, the proposed plans and the options available on the property, the variances were approved with a deed restriction for an annual inspection of the long sewer line by the homeowner.


Craig Martin and Pat Larson met with the Board to discuss the repair of the septic system for the cottage on the property.  A Title 5 was completed on the system servicing the main house.  Roots were noted in the d-box and there is underbrush growing over the leach field.  It is a passing Title 5 report.

The proposal before the board is the installation of a septic tank in accordance with Bolton Board of Health regulations to be tied into the SDS system for the main house.  After review of the plans and discussion, the plan was approved with the condition that a deed restriction be placed on the property limiting the total number of bedrooms to 6 bedrooms between the two structures.  The Certificate of Compliance must be obtained by January 13, 2006 and the Title 5 report amended to include the cottage.  A deed restriction must be place on the property for the annual inspection of the sewer line by Title 5 Inspector.

The additional well on the property must either be destroyed or Ms. Larson must request, in writing, that the well be utilized for irrigation purposes.


Ed and Lauren Collins, a potential purchaser of the above property, met with the Board to discuss the way the existing rooms in the structure could be utilized.  There is a three bedroom septic permit.  There are presently 10 rooms in the structure.  Correspondence in the Board of Health file states that the system can support a 4 bedroom system.   The question before the board is whether the back portion of the property can be converted into an efficiency apartment.  Chris Rogers stated that the total number of bedrooms in the home is limited to four, no matter what portion of the house they were located in.  A deed restriction would be required on the property.

Ms. Collins asked what would be involved in upgrading the system.  Bill Brookings stated that the system would have to meet current regulations and further investigation to see if the system could be expanded. Andrea Gilbert stated that with the size of the lot, it might not be possible to upgrade the system.

The Board advised Ms. Collins that rooms could be re-arranged so that there would be two bedrooms in the main portion of the house and two bedrooms in the rear portion of the house.  A deed restriction would be required as to the number of bedrooms.


Ducharme & Dillis has requested a design change on Northwoods Lots 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 & 14.  They are requesting that the pump system control panel be eliminated to conform to Title 5 and Bolton Board of Health Regulations and delete the specification for a simples pump control panel.


At their meeting on May 24, 2005, the Board of Health approved variance requests to upgrade the septic system at 42 Manor Road.  We have not received the required well tests or an installer’s as-built.  Correspondence will be sent requesting this information.


The Annual Report for the Monitoring of the Capped Landfill was received by the Board from Northeast Geoscience, Inc.  After a brief review, the Board requested that the report be filed.


The Board is in receipt of the requested legal opinion on the subdivision that was granted to Applevalley Homes, the Taylor property on W. Berlin Road.  Based on the opinion from Brackett & Lucas, the Board voted to allow the Board of Health permits to stand as issued.

Meeting Adjourned