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Board of Health Minutes November 22, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Mark Sprague
                                                                        Chris Rogers
November 22, 2005                                                       Andrea Gilbert  
The Board of Health met at Town Hall at 6:30 pm

44 Golden Run Road - Shed

87 Teele Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.


Mr. Keets met with the Board because he would like to put an addition on his home.  Mr. Keet’s home has a three bedroom system with a six room house.  Mr. Keets provided the Board with the information on his home that he was able to obtain.  The Board advised Mr. Keets that they would need a sketch of what is proposed in the addition.  Further, a deed restriction would be required on the property.  The Board advised that should Mr. Keets not want to put a deed restriction on the property, he would have to upgrade the septic system on the property.


Ms. Larson met with the Board to discuss the failed cesspool on the cottage that is in the rear of the property.  Ms. Larson is proposing to tie the cottage into the main house septic system.  The system is designed for six bedrooms, there are five bedrooms in the main house on the property.  It is possible to tie the cottage into the existing system.  The Board advised that they are requiring a new Title 5 be performed on the property, an updated plan needs to be prepared and submitted with a permit for repair to Nashoba Associated Boards of Health.

The Board is suggesting that a septic tank be installed under an emergency permit to be utilized as a tight tank until the cottage could be tied into the main system.  Ms. Larson will be at the Board of Health meeting on December 13, 2005 at 7:15 pm.


Present:  Andy Bendenson, Craig Martin, Jeremy Downs, Meredith McGrew

Andrea Gilbert rescued herself as she is an abutter to the project.  Mr. Downs showed the Board two plans.  The first plan was the preliminary subdivision plan showing a traditional layout with 78 lots.  The second layout is the FOSPRD Plan showing 78 lots and open space.  The FOSPRD was approved by the Planning Board.  Mr. Bendenson stated that he has been working with the Town for 3 years or more to find the best way to develop the 200 acre parcel.  He stated that testing has been completed on a portion of the property.  He stated that testing with Bill Brookings was scheduled for October with only a portion completed for approximately 60 lots due to the heavy rains in that month.  

Craig Martin spoke with the Board with regard to a possible shared system.  He stated that there are portions of the property that have very good perc rates and some that do not.  They are proposing that portions of the development have shared systems.  They are meeting with the Board to get assurance that if all Title 5 and Bolton Board of Health requirements are met, that shared systems would be considered.

Mark Sprague stated that if all the documents where in order and the lots proven to be variance free, that a shared system would be approved.  The documents provided would have to follow along the lines of what Hallmark provided.

Mr. Bendenson stated that he would like to move forward with the Planning Board on a definitive approval.  

The second question deals with whether or not all the testing will be gotten in accordance with the current FOSPRD.  The Special Permit that is in place prohibits testing within the open space area.  Mr. Bendenson is proposing a third scenario be developed that would prove the lots, but not be built, allowing the total of 78 lots.  This might require perc testing in the open space area.  The actual development built would be “clustered” back and would be in accordance with the FOSPRD.   The Board advised that the requirement that no testing take place in the open space area is a Planning Board requirement and they he would have to meet with the Planning Board to resolve this issue.  Lots lines need to be in place in order for septic designs to be approved.  It would be up to the Planning Board to sign off on the required lot lines.

Meeting Adjourned.