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Board of Health Minutes September 13, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Mark Sprague
                                                                        Chris Rogers
September 13, 2005                                                              

The Board of Health met at Town Hall at 6:30 pm

Picaro – Lot 37 Oak Trail
45 Whitcomb – Pawelski – D-Box
Lot 3, Green Road - Thompson
Lot 2A, Randall Road with clarification of tank and pump chamber location provide at the time of installation.


Present:  Craig Martin, Martha Remington, Mr. Kane

Mr. Martin is before the Board as a continuation of the Public Hearing in August, 2005.  Mr. Martin could not verify that the lot had been subdivided.  Title 5, 15.352 states that if you are adding flow to the facility, all systems on that lot must fully comply with Title 5.  Inasmuch as the system at the Gas Station does not comply with Title 5 Regulations, Mr. Martin withdrew his request.  


Craig Martin of Ducharme & Dillis met with the Board to discuss a variance request for Ponside as follows:

Reg 5 Distances – to allow a distance of 75 feet (100 feet required) between the leaching facility and a leaching facility serving a separate facility.

After discussion, the Board approved the variance.  The Board discussed the details of the Zone 1 and the fact that no activity can occur in a Zone 1.  They will further discuss the details of the signage required when the permit is issued.


Present:  Mr. Manyak, Doug Storey

Mr. Manyak and Mr. Storey met with the Board to get a clarification on the situation regarding allowing the presently existing houses to be utilized as a 40B rental unit.  The original permit can be amended to eliminate the condition that the original system be destroyed.

Mr. Storey stated that he is representing the Affordable Housing Partnership.  He stated that the Affordable Housing Partnership is in support of this proposal.  

Mark Sprague stated that the Board of Health would allow a window of six months to move through the paperwork.  As a condition of support, the required Title 5 must be completed while the presently existing house is occupied.

Chris Rogers stated that he thinks that the Town as a whole should entertain utilizing a presently existing house in the 40B equation.

After discussion, the Board voted to allow six months to receive the necessary approval, LIP unit that meets state guidelines for Affordable Housing, with the condition that the Title 5 on the originally existing house be completed while the home is occupied and

Bill Brookings provided the Board with a copy of the Title 5 regulations, which states if there is an increase in design flow on a facility, all components on the property must be Title 5 compliant.  Chris Rogers stated that we know that presently there is a cesspool on the property, which is not Title 5 compliant.  Bill Brookings and Chris Rogers will speak with David Boyer of DEP to get an interpretation of the regulation and report back to the Board and Mr. Manyak and Mr. Storey.


Mr. Mechlin met with the Board to discuss the redesign of the septic system.  Mark Sprague stated that the question is what is being done to stabilize the slope.  Mr. Mechlin provided the Board with three possibilities of what can be done.  Mr. Mechlin asked the Board what they would like as a way to resolve the Board’s concerns.

After discussion, the Board voted to allow the redesign with assurances from Mr. Mechlin that the slope would be stabilized in an appropriate manner and verified at final inspection.


The Town recently received a letter from MassHousing asking for comments on a pending 40B application.~  Town Planner, Nat Tipton, provided the Board with a copy of the proposal for review.  Bill Brookings of NABH also reviewed the plans.  The Board provided Nat Tipton with the following comments:

·       Under Title 5 (310CMR15.214), the maximum design flow for the septic system will be 440 gallons per day per acre (40000 sq ft).~ Using the 106508.26 sq feet shown on the plan, there will be a maximum of 10 bedrooms allowed (110 gallons per day per bedroom).~ If enhanced nitrogen removal (a recirculating sand filter) is used, 550 gallons per day per acre are allowed, or 13 bedrooms.~ There is no indication on the plan that any enhanced nitrogen removal is proposed. The BOH may required bedroom deed restrictions.
·       The provided building plans do not match the proposed 3 unit structures.
·       The provided plans do show a study with closet, which the Board of Health is concerned would be used as an additional bedroom.~ On previous projects, the BoH has requested that rooms such as this be opened up (move door, replace wall next to stairs with half wall, etc) to reduce the likelihood of being used as a bedroom.
·       Previous projects have proposed multiple small wells to avoid concerns with developing a public water supply (PWS).~ This is required if the number of people served is 25 or more.~ DEP has indicated that flows from multiple wells on a project such as this are combined to determine the total number of people served.~ The proposed 12 units with at most 2 permanent residents will fall just under this.~ However, with the BoH concern on the conversion of the study (or basement) to an additional bedroom, the possibility of the water supply crossing into being a PWS exists.~ Suitable deed restrictions/design changes should be made to eliminate this possibility.
·       DEP has also indicated in the past that they would prefer a single well head (and possible treatment facility), even if the facility does not constitute a PWS.~~ There will still need to be suitable protection of each well head on the site.~ The BoH strongly prefers this approach as well.
·       No information has been provided about abutting properties.~ The BoH normally requires the distance and direction of the wells and septic systems on each abutting property.~ It is up to the planning board (or ZBA) to require this information, or the applicant to request (and receive) a waiver from this information.


At their meeting on March 8, 2005, the Board of Health required that the well be retested six months after occupancy.  Correspondence will be sent to the new owner requesting that the testing be completed.  


The current septic permit on the property is for a 4 bedroom residence.  Based on the information provided to the board and contained in the Board of Health files, the Board of Health is requiring a 4 bedroom deed restriction.  Correspondence will be sent to the homeowner.


It has come to the Board of Health’s attention that the garbage/rubbish in and around the property may be in violation of the State Sanitary Code.  A plain view inspection of the site was performed by Mr. Bill Brookings of NABH in response to a complaint.  Correspondence will be sent to the homeowners with a copy of the Sanitary Code.


The property has a septic permit for 4 bedrooms.  It has come to the Board’s attention that the property has in excess 9 rooms.  Correspondence will be sent requesting a clarification of number of rooms in the dwelling, with a possible deed restriction being required.


A request for information was received as to the possibility of altering and/or adding rooms to the residence.  After a review of the existing septic permit, the Board advised that the alteration or addition of one room would not be a problem.  Should there be more than one room added, the plan would have to come before the Board for a determination.


The Board received an email from Martha Ashe with regard to the placement of dumpster and the occasional odor coming from the property.   The Board is currently satisfied with Ms. Storbeck's remedy of the original complaint.  

Recorded Documents Received:

285 Main Street – Sewer Line Variance

Meeting Adjourned.