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Board of Health Minutes August 23, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
August 23, 2005                                                         

The Board of Health met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  


300 Watt Hill Road - Dormer
High School Bleachers – DEP, not thrilled but making a bad situations better, gave approval based on approval letter from DEP.
263 Sugar Road – Riseborough


Lot 9, 10, 11, 12A, 13A, 14A, 15, 16, 17, 18 Oak Trail – Revised Plans
Trust for Public Land – Lot 3, Sawyer Road
Randall Road – Transfer and revisions

29 Wheeler Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
26 Danforth Lane - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
200 Annie Moore Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
164 Bare Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
48 Meadow Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
27 Butternut Lane – The Board reviewed the Title 5 Inspection Report as well as the for sale listing on the property.  After discussion, the Board is requiring copies of the floor plan of the house, including the finished basement with a possible deed restriction being required.
310 Watt Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.


Present:  Craig Martin, Mr. McCarthy, Martha Remington

Mr. Martin met with the Board to request variances to new construction on a 7.68 acre lot.  This lot was permitted in 1996 and the permit has expired.  A new permit application, rather than and extension, is required.  Mr. Martin explained the layout of the property, the proposed system, as well as the testing that was done in 1996.  The well has already been installed.

Variances requested:

Regulation 13 – Hydraulic Overloading – Leaching area to abutting septic system is less than 100 feet with a proposed barrier installed.  The variance is being requested as a portion of the site is ledge.

Mr. McCarthy asked for the proposed system to be explained and the background as to why there is a specified distance in the regulation.  Craig Martin gave some back ground and explained that although the system would be less than the required distance, a 40 mil poly barrier would be installed.

Mark Sprague stated that it is the Board’s policy not to issue waivers on new construction.  Also, the Board would need to determine what the system is on the abutting lot as not to infringe on that system.

Martha Remington stated that there is an abutting property with a well that must be tested yearly.    Further, that the lot is a mixed use lot with the front being zoned limited business with the back portion being residential.  Ms. Remington would like to see the separate recording showing that the gas station portion of the property has been separate from the rest

Hearing continued to September 13, 2005 at 7:00 pm


Present:  Gary Manyak

Mr. Manyak is before the Board to discuss the possibility of utilizing the originally existing structure at 148 Hudson Road as a 40B rental unit.  The homeowner has constructed a modular home on the site as his family required more space.  As a condition of approval of the new construction, the Board of Health required that the originally existing septic system be destroyed and the well be shared.  Inasmuch as the original structure is a perfectly good house to destroy it would be a waste, according to Mr. Manyak.

Mark Sprague asked what the condition of the existing system was.  Mr. Manyak stated that it had not been tested and the thought was that it was to be destroyed.

After discussion, the Board voted to require a Title 5 been performed on the existing system A water quality test for existing well as per Bolton Well Regulations; and a copy of recorded well easement language.


The Board reviewed the septic system redesign on the property proposing the use of a 40mil poly barrier.  After discussion, the Board is requiring an explanation of how the 2:1 slope will be stabilized prior to acting on the plan.  


Mark Sprague reported that the Committee is in the process of preparing the Request for Proposals, Creation of Bolton School Campus Wastewater Treatment Plant.


Firewater and Wine and Country Cupboard Tobacco Licenses signed


The Town Beach will no longer have life guards after Labor Day, however, the Beach will stay open until Columbus Day.  After discussion, the Board voted to have the water at the Town Beach tested through Columbus Day.  


The requested Legal Opinion was received from Brackett and Lucas which indicated that the language contained in the Covenant to be recorded would protect the town.

Meeting Adjourned.