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Board of Health Minutes July 12, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
July 12, 2005                                                           Chris Rogers

The Board met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  


Nourse Road – Caless – Addition
42 Manor Road -  Alteration
20 Autumn Lane – Gazebo


Lot 27 Oak Trail – Transfer Approved
The Oaks – Lots 24, 34, 17, 19, 27, 28 and 29 – Extensions – Approved
82 Fox Run Road – Lot 14 – Transfer Approved


The proposed systems on these lots are similar in design to the system being proposed at Lot 27 Oak Trail.  After discussion, the Board is requesting that the Engineer meet with the Board to discuss these septic designs.

455 Sugar Road – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and found that there is a 4 bedroom permit, however, the report states that the home has 5 bedrooms.  Correspondence will be sent to the owner.
232 Green Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
95 Kettlehole Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
225 Main Street – A response and updated Report including the laundry system was received by the Board.  The Board accepted the report, however, is requiring reinspection of the property 6 months after occupancy inasmuch as the property is presently vacant.


The owners of the property would like to finish off the basement and have completed a building permit.  Both the Bolton Board of Health and NABH have been unable to find the septic permit, although it is a new house.  It is possible that the file is filed under Berlin Road.  The information will be checked and the homeowner notified.


Present:  Joe Pacaro, Jim Moran

Mr. Moran met with the Board on behalf of Mr. Pacaro.  Mr. Moran provided the Board with information on a similar system in Rutland.  The system was installed in 2003 and a copy of a Title 5 on the property was provided to the Board.  The system in Rutland and installed without gravel.  The system installed was a renovation.

This type of the system can be installed with or without stone.  Mr. Moran stated that he feels that the stone can add to the premature failure of the system.  Chris Roger questioned what the tubes are installed on.  Mr. Moran stated that septic sand would be brought in and the system would be installed on the sand.

There is an approved system presently on the lot.  What is before the Board is a change in the design to a plastic chamber infiltrator system.

After a lengthy discussion, the Board voted to approve the design change with the condition that the system be inspection yearly (Title 5 Inspection) for a period of three years.  When the property is conveyed, a full Title V Inspection will be required.


Present:  Craig Martin, EK Khalsa, John Stephenson

The developers met with the Board to present and discuss the additional language to the documents provided by the DEP.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board voted to sign the permits and allow Mr. Khalsa to proceed and refine the language in the documents that will be recorded.  The discussion was continued until July 26th at 7:30 pm.  Andrea Gilbert requested that the final document be reviewed by Town Counsel prior to recording.


Present:  Sue Storbeck, John Dunn, Martha Ashe, Elizabeth Bagdonas

The residents met with the Board to discuss an ongoing issue of manure storage at 92 Sampson Road.   Mark Sprague stated that over the past three or four months there have been a variety of complaints as to the storage of the manure, the odor from the storage dumpster and the proximity of the storage container to the property lines.

Ms. Storbeck stated through the course of the last five years the situation has evolved into having the dumpster which is emptied when it becomes full.  Ms. Storbeck feels that she is very diligent in the care and upkeep of her animals and does her best to address the issues associated with them.

Mark Sprague stated that the Mass General Law that was cited deals with nuisance issues.  Ms. Storbeck asked for guidance from the Board as to how to resolve this issue.  Mark Sprague stated that the location of the dumpster, in close proximity to the neighbor’s residence, is an issue.  Ms. Storbeck stated that one of the reasons the dumpster is located in its present location is because the trucks need access in order to remove it.  Elizabeth Bagdonas stated that she does not feel that the manure can be stored anywhere near the property line without the manure being a nuisance to her property or affecting her property value.  She suggested that the manure dumpster be placed at the bottom of the driveway toward the road.  Ms. Storbeck stated that to put the dumpster down at the road would not be feasible when cleaning the barn.  She would be open to placing the dumpster back behind the barn.  

Martha Ashe stated that she feels that if a nuisance was found when the inspections where made then they must still exist regardless of where the dumpster is placed.

Ms. Bagdonas stated that the current placement of the dumpster is the farthest from Ms. Storbeck’s home and the closest to her abutters who presently have the issues with the manure odor.  Ms. Bagdonas objected to a possible solution that may not solve the problem which would lead to the possible reduction in her property value due to the odor and look of the dumpster.  She felt that her objections to the odor and look of the dumpster are just as important as Ms. Storbeck’s objection to moving the dumpster due to convenience.

Ms. Ashe stated that she had hoped that things would have been done previously to help curtail the odor and that the removal of the manure on a more regular basis.  Ms. Storbeck asked the Board where the line is between the smell of the horses separates from the odor of the dumpster.  Martha Ashe asked what the ramifications are if the policies on manure management are not followed.

Elizabeth stated that she and Martha tried on their own to resolve this problem through letters without a positive result.  Further, she stated that she is troubled by dumpsters in residential areas.  She feels that the property is too small to properly manage or compost the manure that is generated by the livestock on this property.

After a lengthy discussion, the parties agreed as follows:

Ø       The manure dumpster will remain in its existing location, until it is emptied, at which time it will be moved to the left end of the barn.
Ø       The dumpster will be securely covered at all times.
Ø       Lime will be added to the dumpster immediately after manure or bedding is added.
Ø       The outside of the dumpster will be sprayed with a mixture of vinegar and water after manure or bedding is added.
Ø       Manure and bedding will not be added to the dumpster if it will overtop the sides of the dumpster.

The Board will follow up with all parties involved periodically over the next several months, and if there are substantiated odor complaints, the Board will require additional actions to be taken to reduce any odors traveling off of the property.  

The Board does feel that the placement of the dumpster right on the property line is not an ideal situation, and will be a continuing source of friction between all parties involved.


The Boy Scouts are requesting variances for Camp Resolute, specifically:

6-201-18        Exposed Ceilings
430-372 Screening in Latrines
430-453 Adequate lighting in toilet rooms

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the requested variances.


The Board reviewed the information provided by Town Secretary, Linda Day.  DEP is requiring additional wells to be installed to properly monitor the site.  After discussion, the Board voted to proceed with whatever DEP is requesting.


Chris Rogers signed the Emergency Trapping Permit


Since the additional fee has not been received, there is no license.  After discussion, the Board voted to contact Waste Management.


The Board reviewed Martha Remington’s comments.  After discussion, the Board voted to comply with the DEP decision.  

Meeting Adjourned.