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Board of Health Minutes June 28, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
June 28, 2005                                                           Chris Rogers                    


127 Nashaway Road – Addition – Approved conditioned upon:   the residence must be completed by June 1, 2006 to ascertain that the total number of rooms in the residence complies with the current septic permit.


Lot 27 – Oak Trail – Transfer
Lot 2, Vaughn Hill Road - Moen
Lot 25, Fox Run Road
25 Frye Road – Lehme
201 S. Bolton Road – Tank
146 Hudson Road – D-Box
Lot 10 Drumlin Hill Road – R & D Homes

Applevalley Homes, Lots 1-4 approved with requirement for distances on individual lot plans
Lots 2 and 4 need annual inspections by title 5 inspector

95 East End Road - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 inspection report and reviewed the Board of Health file and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
41 Frye Road - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
191 Wilder Road - - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
66 Corn Road - - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
54 Bolton Woods Road - The Board of Health reviewed the Title 5 inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.


Present:  Steve Glover, Martha Remington

Mr. Glover met with the Board to get direction property on Burnham Road.  Perc tests were done at under 2 minutes.  In order to develop the property, variances would be required from the Board, distance from wetland and distance from existing well.  The property was not subdivided to create the lot.  It has been in existence for sometime.

Mark Sprague stated that generally speaking, it is the policy of the Board of Health not to approve variances on new construction.  Chris Rogers asked how high the system would be, Bill Brookings stated the system would be in the ground.  Mark Sprague as well as Chris Rogers stated that without more detailed plans a variance could not be entertained, however, the Board does not generally approve variances on new construction.

If Mr. Glover is willing to provide more information and a more exact proposal of the system, the Board would be able to give him better direction.


Mr. Moran again met with the Board to discuss a possible alternative technology system on Lot 27.  Andrea Gilbert stated that the information provided was not was she wanted.  Ms. Gilbert stated that she wants information on the alternative system, an existing Title 5 report and backup on the proposed system.  Mr. Moran stated that these systems can be used without restriction in Massachusetts.  Bill Brookings stated that he does have one now in Berlin on new construction and in other areas on upgrades.

Chris Rogers stated that the Board would like to see a Title 5 report on an infiltrator system that has been installed and the property has been sold.

Mr. Moran was invited to the next Board of Health Meeting on July 12, 2005


Present:  Larry Ducharme

Mr. Ducharme met with the Board to continue the hearing of June 14, 2005.  He presented the Board with information from Peter Fletcher.  Mr. Fletcher stated that he believes that we should be using the modeling however, he feels that there is a perching of the soils under certain circumstances.

Mr. Ducharme stated that in most cases the high water is within a few inches of the mottles.  On this site, the high water does not match the mottles.  

Chris Rogers stated that with 7 years of test holes and a soil scientist viewing the site, he feels that 4 feet is adequate considering the due diligence done on this site.  Mark Sprague is not comfortable with the situation if the Bolton Board if Health Regulations are not going to be changed.  He feels that the Board needs to decide what direction the Board wants to go in before approving a variance to this regulation.

After discussion, the hearing was continued to July 26, 2005 at 7:45 pm


Present:  Craig Martin

Mr. Martin met with the Board to obtain signatures on the permits for the 10 house lots on Wattaquadock Hill Road.  

Mark Sprague stated that on August 12, 2003, the developer agreed to the provision that as each lot was conveyed, the full amount monetary allocation for that lot will be deposited into the capital reserve account.  

The Board is requesting a clarification of the document that allows the Board of Health the authority to access the funds to repair the shared system should it become necessary.  The Board is asking the Hallmark Properties provide the Board with an addenda to be recorded with the Covenant that has been drafted by DEP.

Mr. Martin was invited to the July 12, 2005 Board of Health meeting.


The Board approved a transfer request for Town Nurse Brooke James

80 Harvard Road – BOH to sign long sewer line variance
188 Hudson Road – BOH sign long sewer line variance

Meeting adjourned.