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Board of Health Minutes June 14, 2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
June 14, 2005                                                           

The Board of Health met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  


300 Harvard Road – New Construction
18 Danforth Lane – Farmer’s Porch


95 Kettlehole – D-Box Permit
25 Fry Road – Transfer
Lot 4 Oak Trail - Transfer


170 Long Hill Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and it is a conditional pass.  The D-Box requires replacement.  The work has been completed and new water results were submitted to the Board.  

26 Annie Moore Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and considers the report incomplete until they receive the following information for review:

No Well location or distance was noted on the report

53 Wheeler Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and considers the report incomplete until they receive the following information for review:

No well location or distances was noted on the report.
37 Green Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.

476 Main Street (Country Cupboard)- The Board reviewed the inspection report and noted it was a failure.  The owner will be notified that the SDS shall be “upgraded” within two (2) years from the date of the inspection or sooner if ordered by the Local Approving Authority (local Board of Health).


Mr. Lehme is before the Board to request a well variance, distances.  Mr. Lehme will be drilling a new deep well on the property.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve Mr. Lehme’s request subject to the following:

The well must be at least 100 feet from the septic system and 50 feet from any property line;  The new well must be shown on the engineer’s as built and the existing well must be destroyed.


The Bolton Board of Health reviewed a series of complaints and site visits pertaining to the storage of manure around the barn on the Storbeck/Dunn property.  On site visits on June 2, 2005 by Mark Sprague, and June 3, 2005 by Chris Rogers and Bill Brookings, the presence of a nuisance odor was determined to be present on the abutting properties by Chairman Mark Sprague.

Under its authority granted under M.G.L. c. 111 §122, the Board of Health determined that the current method and location of manure storage constitutes a nuisance to the abutting property owners.

The Board will consider this nuisance remedied if:
1.      Ensure that all manure storage dumpsters are at least 200’ from all abutting houses.
2.      Ensure that all manure storage dumpsters are at least 50’ from all property lines.
3.      Empty all manure storage dumpsters at least weekly.
4.      Keep all manure storage dumpsters securely covered at all times.

Ms. Storbeck will have 10 days to comply or request a hearing on the nuisance determination.


John Boardman of David E. Ross Assoc. was present to represent the homeowner.  Mr. Boardman is before the Board to request variances on a failed system.  Numerous test holes were preformed and there were problems with ledge.  The existing well will be abandoned.  This system will also require DEP approval.  The variances requested are as follows:

Regulation 5 – Distances
Regulation 3 – Groundwater Elevations

After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variance request with the condition of an annual water test due to the distance between the well and septic system (less than 125 feet).


Dr. Murtha is before the Board to discuss the allocation of flow.  He would like to remove the indoor runs as the potential buyer would like to increase the number of vets that will be practicing at the location.  Originally there were 9 kennels and one vet.  This discussion was based on a design flow of 800 gallons; 250 gallons per day per doctor and 50 gallons per day for each kennel.  After discussion, the Board voted to allow Dr. Murtha either 2 vets and 6 runs or 3 vets and one run with the condition that the animal hospital be limited to the original design flow of 800 gallons per day and the building remains a veterinary office.

Dr. Murtha provided the Board with a new Title 5 Inspection Report.  Inasmuch as the property has not been occupied since January of 2002, the Board is requiring that the property be retested 6 months after occupancy.   


Mr. Ducharme is before the Board to request a variance to Regulation 3, Groundwater offset.  These lots are new construction with approved permits in place.  Ducharme & Wheeler dug test holes in May during a very wet season.  No water was present in the test holes.  A soil scientist, Dr. Fletcher,  was retained to examine the information.   Mr. Ducharme is requesting that the State guideline offset be used at 4 feet rather than 5 feet in accordance with Bolton Board of Health Regulations.

Mr. Ducharme gave the Board a basic history on the background to high-water offset requirements.  

The hearing was continued until June 28, 2005 at 7:30 pm


Mr. Moran met with the Board to discuss the redesign of the previously approved system on Lot 27 using alternative technology.  He is proposing a plastic chamber infiltrator system which is a “stone free” system.  Andrea Gilbert asked how long these systems have been existence.  Mr. Moran answered that they have been utilized for 10 years.  Bill Brookings indicated he has not seen a Title 5 Inspection Report on an infiltrator system as they have not been in existence long enough.  The Board requested further information on infiltrator systems, including their use in the field, longevity, etc.  Mr. Moran indicated that he would supply the requested information to the Board.

Bill Brookings indicated that a transfer to the new owner would be necessary.  The plan could then be redesigned and a new permit issued.


Mr. Linde met with the Board to represent the homeowner, who has relocated to Florida.  Mr. Linde indicated that there is no basement but rather a crawl space.  He feels that the dry well could possibly be in the water table.  Mark Sprague stated that the homeowner can:

1.      Provide a Title 5 report for the laundry system
2.      Abandon the drywell within a period of three months and fill in the drywell.  
3.      If they choose to utilize the laundry system it would need to be tied into the septic system and  the system would be required to be re-inspected 6 months after occupancy.

Correspondence will be sent.


The Board of Health reviewed the revised plan for the above property.  The Board approved the plan as proposed with the following requirement:  the water line be either relocated so that it does not fall under the driveway or that the waterline be sleeved if it falls under the driveway.

Recorded Documents Received:

Deed Restriction, Number of Bedrooms – 298 Harvard Road – Kurt Dutcher
Deed Restriction, Long Sewer Lines – 262 Sawyer Road – Brody
Deed Restriction, Long Sewer Lines – 385 Berlin Road – McLaughlin

Meeting adjourned.