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Board of Health Minutes May 24, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
May 24, 2005                                                            Chris Rogers

The Board of Health met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

BUILDING PERMITS:               

127 Berlin Road – Above Ground Pool

584 Sugar Road – Mr. Boots came before the Board to find out what he needs to obtain his certificate of occupancy.  Mr. Boots provided language for an easement for a well as required by the Board.   Mr. Boots will have the easement drafted and recorded.


999 Main Street – Tank Permit
170 Long Hill Road – Randall Estate
409 Still River Road – D-Box, Tank
Lot 1 Bolton Woods Way Transfer
Lot 2 Harvard Road – Tim Ron, LLC
556 Main Street – D Box Permit
Lot 12 Drumlin Hill – Transfer
Lot 5, Harvard Road – Transfer and Sewer Line Length

66 Corn Road – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
225 Main StreetThe Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and considers the report incomplete until they receive the following information for review:

Pages 2 and 6 of the Report indicate a separate laundry system that was not able to be inspected.  Regulations require that all components of the system be inspected, therefore, if the laundry system cannot be inspected by alterative means (pipe camera), then a Title 5 Variance must be requested.  

Page 10 of the Report indicates the presence of two wells on the property.  Inspector to advise if both wells are active (in use).  If not, any abandoned wells on the property must be destroyed in accordance with Bolton Board of Health Well Regulations.  The sketch on page 10 must indicate the distance from the wells shown in the basement of the dwelling to the drywell and to the cesspool.  


Curt Dutcher met with the Board to request a well variance (distances) for location of well to driveway.   This lot was purchased from Moss Development.    The location of the house was moved from the time the plan was approved.  After discussion, the Board voted to deny the request and require a new plan that meets the Bolton Board of Health offsets.  Needs annual inspection of the system by the homeowner

The Board also reviewed the proposed house plans.  The house plans show 10 rooms and the lot is permitted for 4 bedrooms.  After discussion, the Board voted to require a 4 bedroom deed restriction be placed on the property.


Present:  Judith Graves, David Ross

Ms. Graves met with the Board to request the following variances from the Board:

Regulation 3 – Out of season testing

Regulation 4a – Perc test

Regulation 5 – Distances

The system is in failure.  The Board reviewed the Title 5 report and required that the system be repaired by October, 2005.  Due to the size restrictions on the lot, the Board voted to approve the variances as requested.  As a condition of approved, the Board required annual testing of the water.


Present:  Mrs. Bosselait, Liz Whitaker , Ducharme & Wheeler

Before the Board is an upgrade to the system.  They are requesting a variance to in season testing.  After discussion the Board voted to approve the request and require an annual inspection of the sewer lines by the homeowner.


Curt Farnsworth, Chuck Brown, George Dunnells

Mr. Farnsworth came before the Board and presented language for Lots 39 and 43 that stated that those lots are covered by an amendment.  The well on Lot 39 is in a restricted area.  A document was produced by Mr. Farnsworth that showed that this issued had been addressed with Lot 43.  After discussion, the Board voted to allow CNC Builders to provide deed language similar to Lot 43.

In addition, the Board will send correspondence to ConCom asking that should they cut trails through the restricted area, they will coordinate with the Board of Health and further, if the Covenant is amended, language will included.


Present:  Martha Remington, David Lindsay, Pat Bensetler, Tim Fiehler,  

Martha Remington presented the Board with a request for a 10 day emergency trapping permit which was given to Chairman Mark Sprague.  Mr. Lindsey requested an update from the Board.  Mark Sprague stated that on Monday, May 16, 2005, the Board met with a beaver trapper.  Ruth Callahan, the beaver trappers, stated that the traps only work when there is no ice present.  She stated that breaching the dams with beavers still present does not really work well.

Mr. Sprague stated that up until tonight, there was no formal request before the Board.  Mr. Lindsay stated that he feels that the Board of Health should be stretching to try and help the residents.  Mr. Lindsay asked if there is a penalty is if the State finds that the reasoning used is not valid.  Mr. Sprague stated that he doesn’t know what the penalty is.

Pat Bensetler stated that she feels that a lot can be done with breeching the dams.  The land is relatively flat and feels that breaching will be a help.

Ms. Gilbert stated that she feels that if the trappers are lined up for November 1st, breach the dams and install pipes.

Martha Remington stated that ConCom stated they will allow the breaching and she is asking that the Board of Health work with the groups to eradicate the beavers.  She feels that perhaps criteria E can be met with flooding.

Tim Fiehler stated that he feels that one of the biggest mistakes was that we allowed them to take hold.  Once we get them out, should they come back we kill them and never allow them to take hold again.  The Town and its respective Boards should take hold and take the land back.

Mr. Lindsay stated that he feels that the Board is trying not to help the residents rather than help and he feels that the Board of Health should issue the emergency permit.

Andrea Gilbert stated that she feels that the Board of Health is being unfairly accused of being un sympathetic to the residents.

Mark Sprague stated that he feels that the intentions are being stretched.  Every year the Board of Health is asked to do a site walk and this year’s water level is not any different from previous years.

After a lengthy discussion, the Board voted as follows:  Chris Rogers, Yes, Andrea Gilbert, Yes, Mark Sprague, abstain.  The Board further feels that the water level must be maintained at a lower level.


Kevin Baker – Tobacco License – Transfer approved subject receipt of an acknowledgement the Bolton Board of Health Tobacco Regulations have been read and acknowledged.


Martha Ashe has again contacted the Board with regard to the manure odor at her home on Green Road.  Members of the Board of Health will make an inspection once the weather is warmer and make a report at the next Board of Health meeting on June 14, 2005.


By a unanimous vote, the Board Reappointed Brooke James as Town Nurse, for a term of one year


The Board of Health reviewed the McLaughlin’s request to use their old well (located in the shed) for irrigation purposes only.  The Board voted to deny the request as the existing drilled well has a yield of 80 gallons per minute which should suffice for their needs.  The old well (located in the shed) must be destroyed by a licensed well driller in accordance with Bolton Regulations.  Documentation of destruction must be submitted to the Board of Health.


Previously, the Board approved variances for an upgrade at this property.  The owner is now questioning whether the Board would entertain using alternative technology to lower the groundwater.  After discussion, the Board stated that since there is an approved plan in place, they would like to proceed with that plan.


262 Sawyer Road – Brody – Long Sewer Line by Title 5 Inspector

Meeting Adjourned.