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Board of Health Minutes May 10, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Andrea Gilbert
                                                                        Mark Sprague
May 10, 2005                                                            Chris Rogers

The Board of Health met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.  

14 Wattaquadock Hill Road - Roof        

Applevalley Homes – West Berlin Road – Lots 1-4 – Continued until the BOH Meeting on May 24, 2005
Ross – Nourse Road – 2 Lots – Continued until the BOH Meeting on May 24, 2005
Moss Development – Lot 3 Revised Plan - Approved
Seigel – 99 Nourse Road - Approved
336 Sugar Road – Approved

337 Wattaquadock Hill Road – The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report which indicated  further evaluation by Board.  The well is less than 100 feet from the septic system.  The water results have been received and are within acceptable limits.  The Board accepted the report and the water results.
225 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
92 Sugar Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
670 Main Street - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
20 Teele Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
34 Annie Moore Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
66 Whitcomb Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and additional information is needed and was requested as follows:
Page 10:  The location of the well is not included in the sketch of the system.
57 Wheeler Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and no failure criteria was noted in the report.


Mark Sprague was elected Chairman of the Board of Health for a term of one year.  


Present:  Scott Hayes was present from Forsesite Engineering, Mr. & Mrs. Houde

Mr. Hayes met with the Board to discuss putting a sandwich store in the Country Cupboard.  They did get water results from Subway.  By current regulations, the current exiting design flow is 430 gallons per day and the show 162 gallons per day in excess.  The well is metered at approximately 40 gallons per day.  As a condition of the permit, they are willing to install a grease trap into the system.  After discussion and review of Selectmen’s minutes from 1985, the Board voted to approve the request subject to the following:

1.      A Title 5 Inspection is required;
2.      A two compartment tank or a second 1,500 gallon tank must be installed;
3.      A grease trap must be installed;
4.      Copies of the metered readings on water usage must be provided to the Board.

Once the Title 5 report has been completed, a plan will be submitted to Bill Brookings at NABH and the Board for approval.


Bob Petrillo, owner of Berlin Country Club and Mike Sullivan of Conorstone Engineering

Chris Rogers rescued himself, as he is an abutter to the property.  Test holes have been done on the property.  There are 30 minutes perC test holes; however, they are also looking for an indication as to the potential of a 30-60 minute per inch variance.  Any system would be an elevated system with a gravel base.  The systems would be very large.  The property is about 65 acres.

Mark Sprague stated that the Board of Health hesitates to give any variances on new construction.  “We do not vary lots into existence”.  The state has not given the local boards of health any backup on why they bumped the rate from 30-60.  In general, in Bolton, we have no systems in town that are above the 30 minute perk rate.

After discussion, the Board reiterated that they do not grant variances on new construction.  At this point in time, the Board would not vote favorable on this type of variance.


Present:  Craig Martin, Jerry Holtolf

Mr. Martin is before the Board to request variances due to subdivision.  When property is subdivided, the owner must prove that there is a reserve area with no variances.  Mr. Martin is requesting that the reserve area be serviced by a pump rather than gravity.  He is also requesting a variance of 95 feet well to septic system, regulations state 100 feet.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve the variance requested.


Mark Sprague will represent the Board of Health as Board of Health as contact on the Committee that will be exploring the options with regard to the possible treatment facility at Emerson School.  Chris Rogers and Andrea Gilbert will also be involved in the process.


Information was provided to the Board by Chairman Mark Sprague as to the guidelines for Board of Health to issue an emergency permit.  After review and discussion, the Board determined that this matter needs further evaluation.  A meeting is posted for Monday May 16th at 8:00 am.


Correspondence was sent to the representative of the owner who obtained title to the property through foreclosure auction indicating that there can be no occupancy until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health.  A request will be made of Frank Krysa, building inspector, for a copy of the sign off sheet.


The Wilsacks are requesting that the old well not be destroyed.  They are proposing to fill the deep dug well and use the old well as a dry well for backwater from water filtration.  After discussion, the Board approved their request.


Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan were required to destroy old well.  On April 7, 2005 the Sullivan’s requested to use the old well for irrigation and to water their horses.  The board approved their request.  After testing the well, they have found that the flow is very low and really not usable for their purpose and they would again like to have it destroyed.  After discussion, the Board stated that the Sullivan’s still have the original destruction of well permit and can proceed.  


Garbage Licenses were executed for Casaceli Trucking and Kristoff and Sons.


After discussion, the Board feels that the issues discussed at the Board of Health meeting on April 26, 2005 are “water under the bridge”.  If the other parties feel that strongly, they are more than welcome to come to the Board at a meeting and discuss it.


Bedroom Deed Restriction – 2 Chase Road, Matthews

Meeting Adjourned.