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Board of Health Minutes January 11, 2005
Board of Health                                 Present:        Christopher Rogers
January 11, 2005                                                        Mark Sprague
The Board of Health met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.           


30 Danforth Lane - Approved subject to the receipt of a recorded deed restriction for number of bedrooms
237 Hudson Road


Lot 16 – The Oaks
Lot 16 – Fox Run Road – Transfer


241 Green Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
85 Fox Run Road - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report and septic plan and no failure criteria was noted in the report.
148 West Berlin Road – Correspondence and pictures of leach field after brush was removed was received.


Craig Martin came before the Board to provide an update.  Mr. Martin will be asking for an extension of time to complete the requirement revisions from DEP.  By January 31, 2005 they will have a response and the request for extension.  The number of gallons per day per person is in excess of 8,250.  A variance is required because the septic and holding tank is not sized high enough to meet the requirements.  DEP is requesting a variance from Board of Health.  The variance hearing is scheduled for January 25, 2005 at 7:15.


Mr. & Mrs. Bosselait came before the Board to get guidance on the seasonal high water testing rules that Bolton has.  Their home was built 11 years ago and they would like to add on to the house and add a 4th bedroom.   This is viewed as new construction would require a variance to Regulation 3.  After discussion, the Board advised that they would look favorably on this variance, however, by the time the plan is completed we may be into seasonal high water testing anyway.


Present:  EK Khalsa, Ron Roux, Craig Martin, John Stephenson, Rich Pelletier, Nancy Caisse
Jayne Richards, John Smith, John Stephenson, L. Stephenson

Before the Board is a continuation of the variance hearing held on December 14, 2004.  There was a site walk on January 8, 2005 with the proposed septic area flagged.  Chairman Sprague asked for questions from the residents present.  Rich Pelletier asked for a clarification as to the variances being requested, state or local and what is the standard of review.  Mark Sprague stated that they are variances to local regulations, length of sewer lines and reserve area.  They are requesting a common sewer line in excess of 2,500 feet and Regulation 8b.  Regulation 8b requires that there be a reserve area available on each lot.  Mr. Sprague stated that by definition, a shared system requires a Title 5 inspection yearly, unlike a standard system so that long sewer lines are not as much of a potential problem.  Mr. Pelletier questioned whether it is wise to not require a reserve on each lot.  Mr. Sprague stated that the State will no longer allow you to dissolve the shared system and go to individual system so that even if there was a reserve available on each individual lot, the State would not allow its use.  Mr. Rogers stated that there is a reserve located on the property and in addition, 150% of the replacement cost will be held in escrow should the system require repair or replacement.
Chris Rogers stated that this Board does not believe that this set a precedent.  Each property is viewed on its own merit.  A shared system will not allow development on additional lands that could not otherwise be developed.  In order for a shared system to be approved, the owner must show that each house being developed can support a system, variance free.

Mr. Khalsa stated that both the local Board and the State must insure that there are no additional lots created by the shared system.  The State anticipated the need to restructure the development and alter the lot lines to best use the property.

Mr. Roux stated that he did not believe that developing the lots in the standard way is the best way to develop this property both in appearance and in the most effective way to treat/dispose of effluent.  He further stated that although shared systems for single family homes is a newer way to utilized a shared system, they have been in existence for a long period of time, most commonly in Condominium project.

Rich Pelletier stated that he has no problem with 10 houses on the site nor with a shared system, however, he does have a problem with waiving the requirement for a reserve area and a variance and is concerned that land that would otherwise not be developed now will be.

After much discussion, it was voted and unanimously approved.


Mr. Klein came before the Board to see if the Board would allow him to switch the primary and reserve fields.  The Board advised that they would research the meeting notes to ascertain why the fields where changed in the first place and would have a determination by the next meeting on January 25, 2005.


Present:  George Watkins

Mr. Watkins met with the Board to get to get guidance on the seasonal high water testing rules that Bolton has.  Tils soils are present in the portion of the property that is being considered for house lots.  Testing was done in November and they would like to be able to move forward with the permitting process.  The Board stated that they should proceed with the variance process.


Present:  Tom DiPersio

Mr. DiPersio is present representing the homeowner.  This hearing was for a variance from Regulation 3, Groundwater Offset and Regulation 5, Distances.  This variance request is for a replacement system.  These variances are necessary to help to fit the system into the lot and maximize the distance from the wetland.

After discussion, variance were approved subject to receipt of a revised plan and the installation of a poly barrier between the foundation and the back side of the septic tank and pump chamber and extending 10 feet beyond.


Present:  Larry Ducharme and Brian Lynch.

Mr. Ducharme met with Board with regard to the six house lots down by Ballville Road.  In the past, various Boards requested that the lots be moved up into the development.  This is a variance hearing to Regulation 7c, Length of Sewer Line.  After discussion, the variances were approved as follows:

Lot 9 – Length of a sewer line over 600 feet.  The length is approximately 640 feet.  Approved subject to annual inspection by a Licensed Title 5 Inspector.

Lot 12 – Length of a sewer line over 600 feet.  The length is approximately 932 feet.  Approved subject to annual inspection by a Licensed Title 5 Inspector.

Lot 13 – Length of a forced main.  The length is 978 feet.  Approved subject to annual inspection by a Licensed Title 5 Inspector.

Lot 14 – Length of a sewer line.  The Length is 714 feet.  Approved subject to annual inspection by a Licensed Title 5 Inspector.

Lot 16 – Length of sewer line.  Requires annual inspection by homeowner.  

A quote was received from GSC to complete the testing on the wells at the capped landfill.  After review, the Board is requesting a copy of the contract and will proceed once we know the scope of the work and the amount we initially contracted for.


The Bolton Animal Inspector, Phyllis Tower, has completed the Barn Book as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Ms. Tower inspected in excess of 60 barns.  After discussion, the Board voted to increase Ms. Tower’s salary and provide a mileage line item that is commensurate with the work involved in inspecting the barns and compiling the necessary paperwork.  Ms. Tower’s salary was increased to $1,100 per year with an additional mileage allocation of $400.

Meeting Adjourned.