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Energy Committee Minutes 08-17-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Present: Martha Broad
Ted Kirchner
Ryan Prucnal
Burt Shnitzler

Committee convened at 7pm
Committee discussed best strategy for getting town involvement in energy efficiency efforts.  Ted reminded Committee that Don Lowe had invited the Committee to meet with him quarterly. It was decided that Ted will get the ball rolling on this and contact Don to schedule  a meeting, ask him to invite Harold Brown.  
Ted reported on library: Bob Zak interested in understanding library consumption (Chair, Friends of Bolton Library). Ted/Stu are in process of contacting Harold Brown to find out about library HVAC O&M contractor to determine “what is going on.” Bob Zak has confirmed that propane predicted/usage is on track, however electricity use seems high. The question is: Is it electricity use congruent with design?  If so, how to use lighting/electricity more efficiently. Motion detectors? But lighting probably small amt of total.
Ted and Stu are also trying to get hold of Harold re: public safety.
Martha had touched base with Margaret prior to this meeting and relayed that Margaret was trying to get NGrid to do an audit of the Sawyer WWTP.  Ted, Burt, Ryan suggested that first the Committee should work with Bill Spratt to go to designers and talk about operations and possible improvements.
Burt reminded everyone that he had sent an email describing situation w/BATCO in Houghton Bldg.  They will occupy 2nd floor.  Have determined that the walls are well insulated and therefore they are insulating the attic and cellar. Also adding cement siding/hardy board.
Ryan reminded the Committee that we should also focus on the generation side re: saving the town money.  Martha suggested we check in with Margaret re: her conversations with solar installers re: PV at transfer station… how many acres do we need? Martha mentioned that Borrego solar had provided the town with a quote for installing PV on a number of town buildings.  The committee agreed that we return to the idea of working with a third-party to own and operate solar on roofs of town buildings (e.g. high school).  Burt volunteered to contact Bill Spratt to revisit expanding solar on school roofs.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.

Ted to contact Don Lowe to schedule a meeting with Don and Harold and members of Committee re: moving forward on energy efficiency efforts.
Burt to contact Bill Spratt to discuss meeting with WWTP designer to find out how to increase energy efficiency.