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Energy Committee Minutes 07-20-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Burt Schnitzer
Martha Broad
Ryan Prucnal
Stu Malmberg

1. Town Building Electric Energy Efficiency Assessment: Ted and Stu accompanied NGrid’s consultant, Prism, on a walk thru of Public Safety and Library bldgs.~ Unfortunately Prism limited their assessment to lighting only, although HVAC energy mgmt appears to be an issue in both buildings. Prism found the t5 lights in the library to be very satisfactory.~ The safety building has super t8 which is also satisfactory.~ The fluorescent town hall lights are t8, and also acceptable. Stu and Ted are in the process of contacting Harold Brown to work with him and a third party~to problem solve the energy consumption of the library and safety buildings.
  • Library – Ted met with Bob Zak, board of trustees member, and is in process of working with Bob to get building blueprints.  Next steps~are to compare actual lighting kwh and actual HVAC kwh to "design" or predicted KWH for each.~ Significant deviations will be investigated.~ They are examining ways to use the existing electric meter to measure kwh consumptions.~ In addition to confirming that actual and design consumptions are equal, the team will audit operational and behavorial~ changes that can reduce kwh consumption.
3. Stoplights – Stu has requested of Prism that our stoplight be replaced with an LED fixture.
4. Burt volunteered to join Stu/Ted when they meet with Harold.  He will also communicate to Ken Troup re: Houghton needs better insulation.
5. Ted contacting Jennifer Atwood Burney re: joining the Design Advisory Team, however Burt said that he believed that Team was addressing external design of buildings in town, not energy efficiency.
6. Martha read Margaret’s email re: auditor walk thru of high school.  Group was confused as to whether an actual energy assessment took place.  Martha will get in touch with Margaret to better understand the status of “whole building assessment” services that NGrid can offer for other blgs.
7. Committee agreed that it makes sense to hold off re: presenting to Selectmen until better coordination with Harold re: improving HVAC controls in new bldgs.
Next meeting (Aug 17):
  • Stu/Ted/Burt to report in re: Progress with Harold on Library and Safety Bldg
  • Martha re: status of whole bldg assessment (from Margaret)
  • Burt will report in on Houghton building renovation
  • Martha (or Margaret if she attends) will provide an update re: whole building assessment for schools and addtl bldgs.