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Energy Committee Minutes 02-16-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Burt Schnitzler
Margaret Campbell
Martha Broad
Paul Vasington
Stu Malmberg

Visitors: Ryan Prucnal
Peter Hoover

  • Plan for getting Stretch Code article passed
Speakers in addition to Mike Berry at the hearing?
Committee’s suggested speakers and order:
  • Intro to Green Communities (Kelly Brown; 5 minutes)
  • Tangible benefits, i.e. how might Bolton use Green Cmties grants (Energy Committee; 5 mins)
  • Dept of Energy Resources consultant Mike Berry with presentation re: what is stretch code and why towns are adopting; (20 minutes)
  • Q&A
Burt will speak to Doug Storey about whether this line up of speakers meets Planning Bd’s needs.

  • Burt: Mike Berry presentation needs to be much more concise; 50 slides need to be pared down to 10; keep it simple; we can get detailed in Q&A part of meeting; Burt will talk to Doug about how best to convey this request to Mike Berry.
  • Ryan pointed out that it would be good for Committee to be able to point to energy-related items Town needs that these grants can cover; Stu will talk to Don Lowe to get info re: what town needs
  • Burt suggested that Energy Committee be ready to explain parameters/timing of grants at 3/30/11 hearing, e.g. how much money might Bolton qualify for?... what specific items that Bolton needs can be covered,? when are funds likely to be available to the town (i.e. in time for new Town Hall boiler?)… when can town apply again for a second grant? Martha volunteered to get as much info as possible re: next rd of Green Communities grants (deadlines and award dates) .
  • Educating the town:
Paul will write an opinion piece for the Bolton Common;
Stu will do a first draft of a handout
Paul will plan to attend the 3/13 Conservation Trust annual meeting and distribute handout

6. Progress re: Other Green Communities Criterion
- Stu provided an update on Mass Energy Insight (Ted had also emailed one earlier in the evening that some people had seen); looking like the Library and Public Safety bldgs are energy hogs.  Stu will work with Ted to finish a 20% reduction plan (goal is to have ready by end of May 2011).
- Stu also summarized the situation re: vehicle policy; Committee agreed we can make a good case for replacing Harold’s car (gets driven a lot) and not replacing EMT vehicle (very low mileage).  Committee feels we can put together a reasonable proposal that will meet Green Cmties reqmts.

7. Peter Hoover asked whether the Committee had considered ways to help reduce oil heating bills for residents by getting residential gas distribution lines extended throughout Bolton.  Paul said that gas cos. haven’t been interested/willing to expand for many years.  Would be difficult to make the economics work.  Committee agreed that after Green Communities work is under control we will look closer at this issue.

Meeting adjourned.