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Energy Committee Minutes 11-17-10

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Ted Kirchner
Stu Malmberg
Margaret Campbell
Martha Broad
Visitor: Burt Schnitzler
Agenda Items/Discussion
  • Mass Energy Insight: agreement that Ted/Stu will not include school data for now; Ted will confer with Bill Spratt and may include in future; Committee brainstormed uses for data and possible outcomes re: improving efficiency of town buildings
  • Stretch Code: Committee identified the fact that opinions vary amongst our membership as to whether the town should adopt Stretch Code in 2011.  Ultimately, it is up to the Planning Board to recommend to the Selectmen.
  • Began discussion of goals for 2011:
  • Finish Mass Energy Insight, present to Selectmen, get them to designate someone on town staff to be responsible for maintaining
  • Use Insight data to identify energy saving opptys for the town
  • Raise awareness of value Energy Committee can provide amongst town decisionmakers, (e.g. Selectmen, various committees.  Margaret mentioned that Open Space Committee is reviewing how to most effectively locate town staff now that police have moved to new safety building and Houghton Bldg is empty.  Committee agreed that someone should attend next mtg of Open Space Committee to make them aware of our interest in helping town do this in an energy efficient manner.
Unanimous vote to recommend to Selectmen that Burt Schnitzler be appointed to the Energy Committee.

Action Items:
Martha to find out when Open Space Committee is meeting and attend in order to make them aware of our interest in helping design energy saving strategies as they consider revising the location of town various town departments/staffs
Martha to rewrite letter draft by Ted to town committees and send
Margaret will contact Don Atwood and set up a time for interested Committee members to meet with him