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Energy Committee Minutes 09-22-10

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Present: Margaret Campbell
Ted Kirchner
Paul Vasington
Martha Broad
Visitor: Stu Malmberg

Energy Committee plan is to help Bolton decide whether to be designated a Green Community by the state.  Whether Bolton pursues and qualifies for this designation or not, Energy Committee Members agree that pursuing Criterion 3, developing and committing the town to a municipal facility energy reduction plan, is a priority.  Plan for Criterion 3: Ted will continue to gather and input data into Mass Energy Insight and other Committee members are available to assist as needed (note Margaret will get Shelly to input streetlight data into Mass Energy Insight).  Our goal is to present the energy reduction plan to Selectmen circa Jan/Feb 2011.
In addition, there are two additional criterion that the Committee, after assessing costs/benefits for Bolton, may decide to ask the town to consider adopting:
Criterion 4: Procurement of Efficient Vehicles. Adopting this criterion may have significant cost implications for Bolton.  Ultimately, the Selectmen would decide to adopt.  First the Energy Committee plans to research and better understand.  Next steps:
  • Paul has requested that Kelly Brown send us vehicle policies she mentioned, i.e. these were developed by other towns and may contain cost/benefit analysis to help us understand costs/benefits of adopting Criterion 4 for Bolton.
  • Paul and others will perform a cost analysis of Bolton’s existing vehicle policy to determine if and how much it is expected to cost the town to adopt Criterion 4.
  • Based on our analysis of costs/benefits of existing vs. Criterion 4 vehicle policy, we will determine whether to develop and present to the Selectmen, for their approval, a vehicle policy that complies w/Criterion 4.
  • If a decision is made to present to Selectmen, this will likely be done in Nov/Dec timeframe.
Criterion 5: Minimize Life Cycle Costs in Energy Construction.  This will require the town to adopt the Stretch code.  Energy Committee members will present costs/ benefits to Planning Board and, with support of Planning Board and other key committees/boards, bring to Town meeting in May 2011.  Next steps:
  • Paul and Martha (along with Stu Malmberg (who is interested in joining the Committee) will review Criterion 5 materials provided by Green Communities Division and meet with Planning Board to discuss circa 10/6.  
  • If Planning Board is supportive of Bolton adopting Stretch Code, the Energy Committee will meet with Selectmen and Advisory to continue to build support with the goal of bringing to Town Mtg. May 2011.

Additional items:
Margaret will contact the Town Administrator re: photovoltaics at the landfill.
Martha will continue to work with Sawyer faculty and Bill Spratt to introduce the PV array to the students.

Committee voted unanimously to recommend Stu Malmberg be appointed to Committee by Selectmen.