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Energy Committee 2009, 12-16
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Last Updated: 2010/3/16
December 16, 2009
Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Chinloo Lama

Energy Committee                        Present:                Chinloo Lama
Martha Broad
Margaret Campbell
Michael Gorr
Paul Vasington

Non-voting members: Ted Kirchner

The Energy Committee met at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
  • Town Staff Occupancy meeting with BOS
  • MMA Energy Efficiency Presentation
  • Committee Goals and Mission rewrite
  • 0% HEAT Loan
  • Grant Research Application, Responsibility
Town Staff Occupancy Meeting with BOS
Chinloo will be attending tomorrow.

MMA Energy Efficiency Presentation
Ted sent the posters and content to Laura to proof. Still have not heard back. Will send the poster to Linda or Mike to have it color printed. He will post ~6 posters at local town locations. Bolton Local will procure food and get reimbursed.  He will print out a sign in sheet for that evening. Event is on January 15th Friday in Town Hall, 7pm. We will be co-sponsoring the presentation with Bolton Local. Chinloo will be presenting the speaker.

Committee Goals and mission
Paul suggested that we don’t specifically put down fossil fuel solutions.

Ted suggests that the scope is on areas of the town that tax payer’s influence.

Paul warned that if we pursue the GCA (Green Communities Act), we will have to include our scope for the residents. It is a matter of priority for us because of our limited resource in the group. Perhaps we let the grant opportunities lead us on what to focus on.

There was a suggestion to set up a reporting and statistic gathering system to get the data from the staff behavior to reflect improvements.
We want maximize efficiency and reduce cost for the town. We want to minimize our impact on the environment.

Add a section that lists what we intend to do like:
  • Have a report card of how we are doing on energy use in our buildings.
The group decided to continue this discussion on the google groups online.

0% HEAT loan
This is something that we should try to advertize during the MMA presentation.

Grant Research Application, Responsibility
See if we can get our email on listservs like DOER and MAGIC. Paul will continue to follow-up with the GCA opportunities. A lot of the grants coming are shovel ready required and we just can’t qualify for them. We can get this posted online with no problem.  

Action Item
  • Send press release to Linda for email blast
  • Ask for projector from Linda to use at the presentation
  • Write a how-to doc to group to use google group
  • Rewrite the goal statement for the group to review
  • Continue to follow up with the PV array project
  • Try to check if we can get our email ( on the DEOR and GCA listing.
  • Get Leigh’s contact info from Laura and Paula to ask where she has looked.
  • Continue to set up the publication of the MMA presentation

Next month’s agenda
  • Heating audit from last.
  • Vote on mission and goals