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Energy Committee 2007, 08-30

August 30, 2007
Energy Committee minutes taken by:  _Chinloo Lama___________

Energy Committee                        Present:                Chinloo Lama _x_
Joel Lindsay _x_
Kevin Lord __
Martha Broad _x_
Paula Berg _x_
Michael Gorr _x_
Laura Kischitz _x_
William Darden __

Non-voting members: John Balco __
                        Dennis Mahoney __
The Energy Committee met at _7:30___ p.m. at the Town Hall.
Minutes of (date): ___5/17/07 and 6/7/07_____ were read and approved.
Discussion Topic:  (use attached form)
The meeting was adjourned at _9:00___ p.m.

Choosing Officers
With a quorum, the group selected officers.
Mike – Co-Chair
Laura – Co-Chair
Chinloo – Secretary

Climate Change Presentation at the High School
The available dates are Oct. 18 or 23 for Nashoba High School. We will be planning for the presentation with Doug and after the Bolton Fair.

Meeting with the Selectmen
We need to request a meeting with Selectmen very soon. We would like to pitch to the selectmen about the geothermal option for public safety. Sell the need for the green knowledge for building decision-making.

Fall Meeting Schedule
2nd Thursday of the month starting in October.
There will be possible side meetings for Bolton Fair Booth subcommittee and Energy Audit subcommittee.

New Town Building Updates
Library is interviewing the architect for schematics.
Public Safety needs more influence from our group and consistent reminder from us about considering renewable energy options for their new constructions. Perhaps we can energize the town to voice concerns as well through educational articles in the Bolton Commons.
Bolton Clean Energy Fund
We would like to request funding support from the Selectmen with our towns’ clean energy fund to help pay for the booth at the Bolton Fair and other community outreach efforts. Also help fund renewable energy assessment tools such as a solar path-finder or electricity usage monitors to put on loan at the library.

Energy Network Booth at the Fair
Jen Boudrie of Marlboro is co-coordinating this effort with Bill. They have already done a lot in organizing the booth and lining up supporters to man the booth, speak at the booth and possibly donate to help fund the cost of the booth. We discussed a bit about other ideas for the fair. We will continue this discussion at the next meeting. The following is a list of ideas mentioned:
·       Education on CFL
·       Demonstrate solar lamps
·       Possibly get Seahorse Power to demo a solar trash compactor
·       Bake s’mores in a Solar Oven
·       Brochures and literature on how to sign up for GreenUp with National Grid

Note: Tina Woolston (past Bolton resident/Gore Climate Change presenter) has volunteered to work at the booth as well expensing valuable pearls of wisdom on how to be green.

Action Items
·       Put feedback from group to Doug Plante on Google group for rest to contribute
·       Approach Charles Dunton about participating in the Bolton fair or speaking with energy committee about geo-thermal technology.
·       Check with Lisa about meeting times (2nd Thu / month) if there are any conflicts and if there is a room available for us.
·       Flyers from Doug Plante to present at the fair and for the High School presentation.

·       Send Paula link to Clean Energy Fund grant proposal form.

·       Speak to Selectmen proposing money from the Clean Energy Fund. Ghost-write the grant proposal for the selectmen committee.
·       Call Bill about September meeting on fair preparation.

·       Call Alternative store.
·       Contact Bill Spratt.

Agenda for Next Meeting
·       Finalize plans on the Energy Network booth at the Bolton Fair
·       Begin planning for Climate Change presentation at the High School.