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Energy Committee 2007, 04-05

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  _Laura Kischitz _________________

Energy Committee                        Present:                Chinloo Lama _x_
Joel Lindsay _x_
Kevin Lord _x_
Martha Broad _x_
Paula Berg _x_
Michael Gorr _x_
Laura Kischitz _x_
William Darden _x_

Non-voting members: John Balco __
The Energy Committee met at _7:30___ p.m. at the Town Hall.
Minutes of (date): ___ _____________________ were read and approved.
Discussion Topic:  (use attached form)
The meeting was adjourned at _9:10___ p.m.
Bill Darden, who works at Constellation New Energy, but soon another smaller startup in the same field of New Energy, handed out Constellation New Energy materials and offered to have someone come to the town to give out energy efficient light bulbs and give overview of various energy options. Chinloo Lama – works for Earth Watch and is doing research on how to retrofit her own house to be more “green”. Mike Gorr, a software Engineer, is interested in doing what he can to help Bolton in alternate energy choices because he’s interested in the cause and helping out. Kevin Lord, who works for TurboCare, has installed nuclear equipment, gas turbines, etc, and has worked with various energy solutions. Laura Kischitz, in the Software Quality Assurance field, but a passionate recycler and environmentalist, is also interested in researching residential energy alternatives and thought it would be good to join this committee.  Paula Berg, a design engineer who has worked on solar and hybrid cars, is also a passionate recycler who is very interested in expanding Bolton’s recycling program to include CFL so that the Mercury doesn’t get into landfill and water streams.  Joel Lindsay, who works at Weston Solutions, an environmental remediation provider, and has worked in alternative energy and environmental clean up for years, has a lot of experience with various energy options.  Joel has contacts at a company in NH that is the leading provider of Geothermal in the Northeast.  Martha Broad has been working in Environmental areas for 20 years.  Two years ago she started working on the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust, and shared information about the State’s matching for the Green Up program if we could get 150 families to sign up from June 1 – May 31st.   

Discussed Priorities for the Energy Committee:
·       New Development: Library & Public Safety building project recommendations regarding Energy alternatives.
·       Town Facilities – Energy Conservation (We will plan Energy Audits for all of the buildings in town covered by our charter.)
Geothermal – cut costs by at least ½, a well drilled for both library and new public safety building will be ~ 100K for the 2 buildings… for 30 tons of heating and cooling, (for one well), the well has to be drilled 1500 feet. One well typically costs about 40-50K.   Solar thermal is the best route for payback as a second option.
Possible Future Items:
·       Share information w/ the town; promote recycling of CFL bulbs (once solution is established for the Town Buildings.)
·       Utility companies may offer Energy Conservation programs; we can look into offering a program for town residents.
·       The board of selectman might be interested in co-sponsoring a speaker on Peak Oil, Climate Change, and other related topics at Davis Hall in June.  Someone was going to send the presentation to Joel??
·       Consider expanding mission of Energy Committee to include:
-       Educational programs for the town
-       Making recommendations on town vehicles
Action Items:
·       Get sworn in at Town Hall (ALL)
·       Set up Google Group for Energy Committee (CHINLOO LAMA)
·       Find out what money was budgeted for heating/cooling for the Library expansion project and Public Safety buildings going up soon.  (JOEL LINDSAY)
·       Determine what buildings in Town will this committee cover?  Schools included?? Follow up w/ Jodi on this and find out who the facilities manager is for the buildings.  Request the electric bills for town of Bolton buildings for last 18 months. (PAULA BERG / BILL DARDEN)
·       Look into energy audits for the town buildings. (MARTHA BROAD)
·       E-mail Linda w/ the dates that we will be meeting and to request the room (MIKE GORR)
·       Write up the notes and send them out for review/edits by Energy Committee (LAURA KISCHITZ)
1) We each signed up for the following positions on the Energy Committee:
3 -3 years (Martha Broad, Mike Gorr, ChinLoo Lama)
3 – 2 years (Paula Berg, Bill Darden, Joel Lindsay)
2 – 1 year (Kevin Lord, Laura Kischitz)
2) Energy Committee will meet every 3rd Thursday.  Upcoming proposed meetings are:
       Thursday, April 26th, 7:30
Thursday, May 17th, 7:30
Thursday, June 7th, 7:30
Thursday, June 28th, 7:30
Thursday, July 19th, 7:30
Thursday, August 9th, 7:30
Thursday, August 30th, 7:30
Thursday, September 20th, 7:30
Proposed Agenda for Next Meeting:
Election of Officers
Review Town Energy Consumption for past 18 months
Review Library expansion project forecast/budget for heating/cooling systems