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Feb 17, 2010
  • Next MAGIC Meeting: Green Communities and other Municipal Energy Programs - Thursday March 4, 7-9 PM in Carlisle
  • MAPC Council Meeting: Tues. Feb. 23 from 8:30-11:30 AM in Boston, with Keynote Speaker Ian Bowles, Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, and the results of the survey.
  • MAPC survey questions
  • Presentation request: 
Boehm Architecture in Boston. "We are a small residential design firm with a strong interest in green renovation. Bill Boehm has presented a talk on green home renovations at various neighborhood groups and libraries in the metro Boston area and I wanted to see if you thought that topic would interest members of your community."
[Update from Chinloo - I forwarded this email to Bolton Local and Laura has already initiated the conversation with them aiming for a possible presentation in September 2010. I just wanted to bring to the group]
  • Green Communities qualification and grant application - set plans and assign action
  • How to meet the 20% reduction in energy use
Ongoing Updates
  • Committee mission and goals
  • Solar Hot Water research for PSCCC
  • PV on Sawyer