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Economic Development Committee Agenda 03-13-17 *Revised*
Monday, March 13, 2017 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall
  • Minute Approval
EDC Scheduled Meetings  7pm

  • Meet Potential new member Amy Balewicz
  • Meet Potential new member Larissa Thurston
  • Meet Potential new member Chris Lineberry
  • Meet with Bob Roemer from BCT to discuss the potential purchase of the Town Common

EDC Business   7:30pm
. Review Annual Report
  • Ongoing Projects
-       April Business Breakfast Planning
      -        Discuss Guests and Location
       -       Discuss invitations and Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce involvement.
-       Investigation of Banner brackets for utility poles
      -        Get samples.  What poles?
-       Brochure Update
-       Welcome Sign Update (reinforcement and lighting)
-       Website Update

  • Current Business
-       Marketing and Outreach (Social Media).  Future Article/Blog Post discussion
-       Master Business List Updates
-       Current Business News and Updates
  • New Business
-       Update on New and potential New Businesses:
-       Welcome Letters
  • Vacant Commercial Space
-       Erica updating Vacant Space Document with more details and information for ease of use in future.
-       Discuss a document of available LB, B, and Ind lots
  • Town Policy Updates pertaining to Businesses.
-       Fast food allowed as accessory to be voted on at ATM.