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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/07/2017
March. 07, 2017 at 7:00pm
Houghton Building, 663 Main Street

At 7:00pm Chair Brian opened the public meeting.

Present board members: Chair Brian Berube, Jeff Bryan, Karen Overfield, Jeff Larence, Lori Stephenson and Rebecca Longvall (conservation agent)

7:00pm Brian Berube opened the continued public hearing regarding the after the fact Notice of Intent for land clearing and remediation of 22 West Berlin Rd. Taylor Property. Leo Garneau the representing the applicant had requested a continuance being that the engineered plans were not completed as of yet that day. Therefore the continuance was requested by Leo on behalf of the applicant. Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing to March 21st 2017 at a time to be determined. Jeff L second the motion; all unanimously approved.

7:06pm Brian Berube asked if the commission had reviewed the minutes and if there were any further comments/revisions to be made. Brian made a motion to accept the minutes as written for February 7th 2017 and agreed upon last meeting minutes as there was not a formal open meeting due to not meeting the quorum. Jeff L second the motion; all unanimously approved.

7:10 pm The Commission discussed the dog waste bag dispenser that will be purchased without a waste receptacle and implemented on one of the most used properties. Brian commented that it was a good idea and a trial proposed at Bower Springs as to remind individuals to pick up after their dog. The commission members also noted these are for individuals who have forgotten a bag at home and are still expected to be prepared and respectful of the property when they are out on conservation property. Rebecca wanted to be sure the commission approved of the waste dispenser and the placement. The commission approved of the proposed purchase. Jeff L stated he will look into the installation process.
7:15pm Rebecca stated there was a vote to be had regarding the Order of Conditions on 0 Sawyer Rd regarding grading in the buffer area. The commission reviewed the OOC. Brian made a motion to approve the Order of Conditions. Jeff B second the motion; all unanimously approved.
The commission then discussed the preliminary draft of the responsible conduct on public conservation property regarding pets. Comments were made regarding definition of “commercial” or “professional” dog walker and the clarification of not leaving feces on conservation property even in the woods as there is high traffic and understanding wildlife is able to defecate where they wish without damaging the property; high density of dog feces is not equivalent to compare to wildlife scat. Also it was clarified that most passive recreation users have control of their dogs when there is one per adult hand meaning two in direct control or having the ability to be in direct control. The commission was reminded this is a rough preliminary draft and there will be many edits; reviews; and comments before anything is formalized.
7:30 pm Brian opened the continued public hearing regarding the Notice of Intent 401 Main St. remediation of the previously and unpermitted clearing of the paddock and wetland delineation. Seth Donohoe was present on the applicant’s behalf. He restated to the commission the applicant will be placing the fencing around mature trees therefore diminishing the need for clearing the area, some minimal understory detritus removal is proposed. DEP commented in suggesting a change of seed mix for the restoration area this was noted on the plan. Seth also stated the applicant was anticipating frozen conditions to remove the stockpiled brush in the restoration area. This is noted on the plan to be hand removed with wheel barrels as to reduce further disturbance as much as possible to this area. The erosion control will be in place once the brush is removed prior to any planting. The erosion control will be inspected by the conservation agent prior to the beginning of work. A representative from the neighborhood group of concerned citizens Tremblay asked about the location of the septic and why it is not shown in this plan of the proposed project. Rebecca stated that there are different types of plans depending upon the project that is required by the commission and deemed necessary by the commission. In this case the mitigation planting area is far enough away from the alleged septic that it is not necessary to include in a project for a planting in the buffer and resource areas. It was explained that typically plans that are for septic designs show wetland delineation therefore these are acceptable to be used. However in a project such as this where there is no work proposed relative to the septic area it is not required to be included on the plans which accompany the proposed work. Tremblay also asked about the parking issue and the commission stated this was not jurisdictional to the conservation commission. Brian Berube suggests a formal letter written to the applicant to remind of buffer areas and to request reduced impact to this area. Lori confirmed it is not a commission issue but rather most likely a safety issue. Karen asked if this was a planning board issue even. Jeff B asked about the planting process and the plants success rate. Seth explained that it can be conditioned a certain percentage of success over the period of typically two years that ensures if something dies it will be replanted. Brian made a motion to close the public hearing. Jeff B second; all unanimously approve. Seth requested a copy of the drafted order of conditions to confirm with the applicant.
7:56 pm Brian opened the continued public hearing for the Request for Determination of Applicability for an expansion of blueberry fields at Janet Johnsons property 131 Green Rd. The proposed planting encompasses 50 new blueberry bushes and a non-invasive netting system. Lori reminded the commission there is a small season for picking. Brian said there may be some thought needed regarding potential parking for a small pick your own operation. Brian made a motion to approve a negative three determination for the proposed expansion of blueberry bush planting. Jeff B second; all unanimously approve.     

8:10pm The commission addressed an informal appointment regarding 53 Wheeler Rd. hoping to install a 20ft deck over previously disturbed lawn area approximately 80ft from a vernal pool. The homeowners would like to keep and encourage the wildlife on their property but would like some privacy as well from 495. A potential fence would be proposed in the future. Rebecca reminded the commission fences are exempt and there is no permit needed dependent upon where and how invasive the installation process would be and so long as it does not prevent wildlife movement. Lori asked if NHESP was concerned with this area. Rebecca stated she will get back to the commission regarding if NHESP has been concerned with this area previously. Jeff L asked what type of machinery and if any heavy machinery would be used on this project, the homeowner stated due to their septic and the small area of access they can almost ensure there will be no heavy machinery used. Jeff L also asked where the stockpiling would be on the property the homeowner stated most likely in the front walkway. The deck would be over a crushed rock bed to prevent further erosion and runoff from water draining through the deck. The homeowner also stated he had proposed to the contractor a plastic under the deck to allow storage and the ability to re-direct the water flow towards the outer sides. This would follow the natural grade of the area and have some form of prevention for further erosion and sheeting. Jeff asked about snow removal as this is a concern in the resource area the homeowner stated small paths on the deck but most likely only to be moved up to 10ft away. Rebecca stated it seemed that the commission has a few concerns therefore a filing of an NOI or RDA seems necessary. Karen asked for a clarification of which would be used. Rebecca stated there may be conditions applied through a Determination of Applicability but extensive conditions would be applied through a Notice of Intent. Jeff B reminded the commission of their other scheduled site visits for Tuesday and suggested we view this project on the same date. Brian proposed site visit for March 14th at 2:30pm all agree. Lori reminds the home owner to mark the property and deck relative to the proposed project.

Brian confirms the date of the next meeting March 21st 2017 at 7pm in Houghton Building.

8:30pm Brian makes motion to close the public meeting. Jeff B second; all unanimously approve.