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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/04/2017
April 4, 2017 at 7:00pm
Houghton Building, 663 Main Street

At 7:00pm Chair Brian opened the public meeting.

Present board members: Chair Brian Berube, Jeff Bryan, Karen Overfield, Jeff Larence, Lori Stephenson & Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Agent)

7:05pm Brian Berube opened the continued public hearing regarding the after the fact Notice of Intent for land clearing and remediation of 22 West Berlin Rd. Taylor Property. Leo Garneau the representative of the applicant had requested a continuance being that the engineered plans were not completed as of yet that day. Therefore the continuance was requested by Leo on behalf of the applicant. Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing to April 27th 2017 at a time to be determined. Jeff B second the motion; all unanimously approved.

Chair Brian asked if everyone had read the minutes. After reviewing Brian makes a motion to approve minutes for the meeting on March 21st. Jeff L second; all unanimously approve. The commission tentatively chooses the next meeting date as there will not be a quorum on the 18th. The date chosen is April 25th at 7pm Rebecca will confirm a meeting space.

Rebecca updated the commission on the Open Space and Recreation Plan. The draft is complete and the final map edits have been sent out. Upon completion of the wetland resource maps Rebecca asked the commission if they would like her to get an enlarged version for the meetings. The commission agreed that would be appropriate.

Rebecca updated the commission on site visits and current conditions of conservation properties that had been observed. The first being a tree that had split at Bower Spring that was resolved by the Town’s tree warden. The second being the high water at Fyfeshire that is typical of Spring but due to some woody debris build up that has been continuously observed there is a bit of a blockage that will be resolved this month.

7:25pm Ken Troupe and Ashley Davies from SVT were present to discuss the 60 acres beachfront property at West’s Pond known as Camp Virginia. The Girl Scouts are selling this property to downsize as their financial situation is not opportune. They would like to leave the space open and not allow development of the property. Ken noted this property has been pointed out as a property of interest in the 2005 Open Space and Recreation plan. The property does have conservation value noted by the 2017 OSRP in terms of the natural resources. The Girl Scouts will retain the cell tower consisting of a half acre of the property. Ken and Ashley divulged to the commission the current layout of the property that was used by the Girl Scouts. This consisted of buildings, tent platforms, bathrooms, electricity and pavilions. The site was walked with the GS building manager and noted that many of the buildings need work or would be taken down. Ashely specified that for a Land grant no buildings are allowed but the Park grant allows for some structures. There is a town appraisal and subdivision ANR if the town is to apply to both grants. Rebecca stated the conservation fund may be used for an appraisal cost for the town if the commission thought necessary. Ashley and Ken were requesting the town apply for the small communities assistance grant so that the town would be reimbursed if they were to expend the funds for an appraisal and survey work. The Commission entertains the idea of applying for the assistance grant, upon being awarded the grant they would then deliberate expending the funds. Between that time the Selectman will be asked for their interest level in allocating town funds to purchase the property. Brian and Karen were supportive of the assistance grant as it may be the initiative the town needs to bring attention to this potential purchase. Chair Brian makes a positive recommendation in support of the Massachusetts Conservation assistance for small communities grant to the Board of Selectman and that the commission also signs onto the aforementioned grant. All in favor to recommend to seek support of BOS for assistance grant.
8:30pm Chair Brian makes a motion to close the public meeting. Jeff B second, all unanimously agree. So moved.