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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/08/2016
Bolton Conservation Commission Minutes
December 08, 2016
Town Hall, 7:00 pm

Present: Brian Berube (chair), Jeff Larence, Karen Overfield, Liz Luc Clowes (vice chair), Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Administrator) Jeff Bryan

7:05pmContinued public hearing – 50 Meadow rd. has completed the installation of the two culverts long the driveway in accordance with the OOC. Ducharme & Dillis had sent a request for a certificate of compliance to represent the applicant. The request was approved and found to be in compliance by the Conservation Administrator who was out to inspect the property along with Jacquie Goring who previously inspected the erosion control during her time in Bolton. The Certificate of Compliance was issued and signed December 8th, 2016. The public hearing was voted to close by Chari Brian, Second by Liz, and was unanimously approved by the commission.

7:10 pm – Continued Public Hearing – Lot 5 Houghton Farm Lane has completed the work on (1) single family dwelling in accordance with the OOC. Ducharme & Dillis had sent a request for a certificate of compliance to represent the applicant Robert Kiley. The request was approved and found to be in compliance by the Conservation Administrator who was out to inspect the property and appropriate erosion control still in place. The Certificate of Compliance was issued and signed December 8th, 2016. The applicant had also requested the release of the escrow account for Lot 5 upon approval of the COC. Chari Brian made a motion to release the $5,000 amount for Lot 5, Liz second, unanimously approved. The public hearing was voted to close by Chair Brian, Second by Liz, Unanimously approved by the commission.

7:20pm - Commission Business:
The meeting minutes from the previous meeting 11/17/2016 were approved unanimously. The commission briefly reviewed the NOI for Taylor Property 22 West Berlin Rd. They have also reviewed a proposal for a formal volunteer position for a Land Steward and Land Steward Associate which will be posted in the upcoming Bolton Independent. The Commission accepted the invoice from Jim Henderson and the appropriated amount. Updates were shared by Vice Chair Liz regarding the Open Space and Recreation Plan noting the project is moving along well and to expect a survey to be delivered with the census for the community to fill out and return for their feedback to be considered in the revisions of OSRP.

7:50 pm – Scott Goddard – Lot 1 Century Mill Rd – Scott was present to present to the commission his revised plans that included the one addition of a flag along the BVW following Brandon from Ducharme and Dillis’ delineation that was requested by the commission at the last meeting. The commission had reviewed this information and collectively asked questions regarding the project specifications and how to solidify a sure limit of work. Scott proposed erosion control using a visible snow fence in addition to a heavy duty silt fence along a contiguous area around the perimeter of proposed work area shown on the plans. Scott assured the commission that the dwelling would be built from the inside out as the accessible area allows. Also that materials would be exported out of the site and only a minimal temporary stockpile be kept on the site which would be specified to the area outside of the 75ft. buffer which coincides with on top of the proposed leach field. Administrator Rebecca shared her research in terms of being sure the best practices are being used on the site. The questions involved well maintenance, potential foundation flooding, driveway material, “yard” material and potential buffer changes with the addition of the flag. All questions were clarified and shared with the commission. The driveway was previously changed to a proposed gravel drive but after research the commission changed the proposed driveway requested to now use Popcorn ball pavement: Pervious concrete and porous asphalt with native vegetation along the sides of the driveway not lawn. The gravel would erode more quickly potentially leaving large particles in wetland resources. The popcorn pavement would allow water to flow through but even the runoff would be water not large particles that would be filtered by a bioremediation planting of native vegetation along the driveway. The driveway would also need to be maintained properly to allow for its continued permeable surface. In the event there is need for pumping from the basement in the future it will be conditioned the sump pump will be tied into the septic system. There will be no use of salt, sand, herbicides, fertilizers or other invasive potentially harmful materials used on the property. Snow will be exported or stored in the same stockpiling area located outside of 765’ buffer on leach field area. The same is expected for yard waste in that it is either removed from the property or minimally stockpiled outside of the 75’ buffer on the leach field area. The commission also has requested the vernal pool be certified. Then following the certification the vernal pool will be continually monitored once a year in spring by the commission or chosen representative with appropriate notification to the homeowner prior to the date which they will monitor the VP. Chair Brian made a motion to close the public hearing and vote on the Order of Conditions at the next meeting January 5th 2017 at a time TBD, Liz second; unanimously approved.

9:30 pm – Maria Moreira – Seven Bridge Rd. – Chair Brian makes motion to continue public hearing; Liz second, unanimous. The commission members were able to attend a site visit on the property prior to the meeting and noted the staked areas for proposed culvert installation. Maria was present with a representative from the farm to discuss details relating to the Request for Determination of Applicability. The commission requested to have an engineered or design plan including specs in order to make a confident decision. Maria stated she will speak with Mike from MassWildlife and see what he can help her with in drawing the project along with Maria reaching out to the culvert manufacturer for specs. Chair Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing until January 5th 2017. Liz second; unanimous approval.

Commission Business
The Open Space and Recreation Plan is in review and the revisions will be made prior to annual town meeting.

Next Meetings: January 5, 2017
At 9:55 pm, Chair Brian moved to close the meeting, Liz seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.~

Respectfully submitted,~

Rebecca Longvall
Conservation Administrator