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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/17/2016
Bolton Conservation Commission Minutes
November 17, 2016
Town Hall, 7:00 pm

Present: Brian Berube (chair), Jeff Larence, Karen Overfield, Liz Luc Clowes (vice chair), Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Administrator, Jeff Bryan

7:00 pm - Public Hearing Continuance – Lot 1 Vaughn Hill Road –~Robin and Joseph Picariello were present with updated plans from Ducharme and Dillis showing the majority of the work for the single-family home is going to take place outside of the 100ft. buffer. They had asked the commission to allow them to push the fence around the well and adjust the plans to allow for less fence in the buffer at the front of the property. The commission agreed they would allow it. Brian did clarify the footage adjustment to be the same. The commission also requested a work/ construction Schedule and an As-Built at the completion of the process. The erosion control discussed along with approved by MassWildlife was the siltbarrier which will require a site inspection when installed on the property. It was also noted that if the project becomes delayed for any reason; by March 31st 2017 the entire project will need to be encased (per MassWildlife standards) The work to be done inside of the buffer is minimal. This work consists of mowing and maintaining a path through the meadow to have access to the barn at the rear of the property which was approved by the commission and a letter recorded for future reference. The commission approved upon the consideration that the work is to be done for safety to see what is around the barn that the previous owner agreed to remove. Chair Brian made a motion to sign the letter of understanding for notation in the records. Liz Second, unanimous motion. Brian made a motion to close the public hearing; Liz second, unanimous motion to close public hearing.  

7:15 pm – Appointment – Lot 3 Nourse Rd – Brain Laurits – Applicant’s parents and Jerry Kuntz from Gerry Bergeron & Co. Inc. The proposed driveway is considered in the language of the Conservation Restriction on the site plan and property boundaries of Lot 3 Nourse Rd. The proposed drive is approved contingent upon the driveway being a permeable surface and following the path of least resistance (previous cart path). Due to the CR covering the driveway guidelines in its language the commission need not make a motion but rather a confirmation and noted record of the confirmation. Also the Commission requested an As-Built to prove that the project had stayed within the language of the CR. The driveway was approved under the language provided in the Conservation Restricted previously recorded with the registry of deeds and confirmed in the letter from the James’ signed by Brian Laurits as well.

7:30 pm – Appointment – Andrew Lapin – 401 Main St. – Andrew was asked to come before the commission to hear their concerns prior to officially filing an NOI which is in progress. The concerns of the commission were the horse paddock which is in resource area jurisdiction, the ash trees that were marked by a horticulturist and removed for safety. Also noted the paddock had been placed there due to it being used by the previous owner as a goat grazing area. The manure maintenance in place was explained to the commission being that it is removed from the property twice a week.  The commission was concerned with the close proximity to great brook. Andrew confirmed that there will be and are three horses in the paddock area and Liz asked about any regulations about paddock size requirements for the amount of horses. Martha Remington was present as a concerned citizen and representative of the Historic Society. Martha asked about any necessary filing for the trees that had been removed and the commission clarified that would be noted and included in the NOI when it is filed. Also Jeff confirmed the question about the conservation boundary in conjunction with concerns about the paddock. Andrew and Rebecca clarified that Town Council had found the property to have an agricultural exemption. Therefore Rebecca was going to review the regulations to see if Cultivate Counseling is exempt to the Wetland regulations as well. The commission reminded Andrew that no futher material is to be moved into the resource area. The Commission suggested if the paddock is not to be moved that it be graded and erosion control in place. The Commission confirmed that they expect a fully engineered plan to accompany the NOI. Andrew was put on the agenda for December 8th at a time to be determined.

7:45 pm – Scott Goddard – Lot 1 Century Mill Rd – Scott was present to present to the commission his proposal putting in a cement slab for a foundation to appease the commissions concerns of being in close proximity to a resource area. The commission reminded Scott that they would be appeased by a third party wetland specialist delineation. Michele’s affidavit was moot due to Lot 1 being subdivided and the property would need a resource delineation specific to lot 1. Liz questioned the delineation due to the closeness of 25ft buffer around resource. Chair Brian acknowledged Scott’s work to comply and reminds the commission of the discrepancy that was found in the original delineation of lot 1. Karen expressed her concerns on margin of error in delineation as well as proposed construction. Scott was given a list of preferred specialists and surveyors used by the commission in the past he will choose from this list a professional to delineate the property. Chair Brian made a motion to formally request the third party wetland specialist delineate the proposed lot 1 single - family house resources and jurisdictional areas and that the specialist come from the list provided by the Commission. Liz second; unanimous. Chair Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing to December 8th at a time to be determined. Liz second; unanimous.
8:00 pm – Maria Moreira – Seven Bridge Rd. – Chair Brian makes motion to re-open public hearing; Liz second, unanimous. Maria requested a continuance. Chair Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing until December 8th. Liz second; unanimous approval. Also agreed the commission members who had not been out to the property will hold a site visit prior to December 8th meeting.

8:15 pm – Appointment - Fred Coon – Century Mill Estates – Culvert Crossing
Fred requested to be moved until the next meeting December 8th – no motion necessary. Rebecca updated the commission on erosion control status at Century Mill Estates regarding other Culvert crossing, erosion from single-family home parcel. All is stabilized.

Commission Business

Chair Brian made motion to Approve minutes. Liz second; unanimous approval.
The Trails Committee proposed an additional loop off of Annie Moore primary trail. The commission approved there is no resource area involved therefore no formal motion needs to be made.
The Budget was discussed and will be proposed with close to the same numbers as the previous year’s budget.

The Open Space and Recreation Plan is in review and the revisions will be made prior to annual town meeting.

Next Meetings: December 8, 2016

At 9:30 pm, Chair Brian moved to close the meeting, Clowes seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.~

Respectfully submitted,~

Rebecca Longvall
Conservation Administrator