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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/13/2016
Bolton Conservation Commission Minutes
October 13, 2016
Town Hall, 7:00 pm

Present: Brian Berube (chair), Jeff Larence, Karen Overfield, Liz Luc Clowes, Rebecca Longvall, Conservation Administrator

7:00 pm - Public Hearing – 33 Burnham Rd. –~Alison Web nor a representative present at the meeting. Revisited later in the meeting (to wait to see if representative for applicant would make an appearance). Chair Brian suggested a site visit to the property be scheduled to better understand scope of plan. It was noted the site should be flagged prior to site visit involving contractor to ensure proper boundaries to determine what portions would be in wetland jurisdiction. Also request the applicant or representative to appear at next meeting to explain project plans. Chair Brian made a motion to continue the public hearing until the next meeting November 3rd 2016 at a time to be determined Liz second, unanimous motion to continue until next meeting.

7:15 pm - Appointment - Robin Picariello - Lot 1 Vaughn Hill Road – Applicant Robin and Joseph Picariello were both present to explain updated plans before the conservation commission. The updated plans included reduced disturbance area but does include the proposal to potentially remove a couple trees in path. Robin stated the property will be staked to properly provide visual representation of lot boundaries. Jeff and Karen stated the updated plan with reduced disturbance area seems to better follow the natural path that is preexisting. It was suggested there be specific erosion control measures along with wetland/resource areas signs posted along resource area to prevent expansion of the project. Chair Brian suggests filing of a Notice of Intent. The meadow maintenance mowing is suggested around barn for potential safety hazards. NOI to be presented at next meeting on November 3rd 2016.

7:30 pm – Scott Goddard – Lot 1 Century Mill Scott Goddard has again requested a continuation to the next available meeting on November 3rd 2016.  Chair Brian suggests at the following meeting Scott will either close or withdraw. Third party is suggested for next meeting and should be contacted. Chair Brian makes a motion to continue public hearing until November 3rd 2016 Liz second and approved unanimously.

Commission Business

Conservation Administrator Search: Rebecca Longvall began work 10/11/2016
Minutes – Chair Brian made a motion to approve minutes from 9/29/2016 Brian, second by Liz and approved unanimously.

Letter of Interest – Jeff Bryan submittal of letter of interest to Conservation Commissions open position – Chair Brian will reach out to contact

Nourse Road Updates - Clearing and Driveway within Conservation Restriction – last noted by applicant was to have proposed driveway location staked and plan created by an engineer. Applicant was inquiring about possible use of the shared drive as a potential alternative. No representative present at meeting. Commission decided to hold off until more information is provided.

401 Main St. Updates – Potential filing of RDA needed for property in resource area. Phone call needed to inquire about activities on property and answer any questions that arise.

DiPietro Enforcement Updates – suggested that the budget is discussed with Don in regards to the potential of funds for legal purposes.

Taylor Enforcement Order Updates – site visit scheduled request notation that something needs to be filed in regards to regulations. Chair Brian reviewed the phone call between DEP, Heritage, Kathy Sferra, Brian and Rebecca Longvall, with the conservation commission. DEP will do a site visit.

Updates: Jeff filled in the commission and brought up the need to decide how to remediate the knotweed condition on town common using either pesticide or other. The suggestion was to reach out to Kathy Sferra to see how Stowe has been facing it and seeing what the best approach so far will be. Karen suggested potential grant application for controlling invasive species.

Jeff provided the commission with updates regarding Bower Springs mowing by Jim Henderson which began this week. The estimation was that it may take three days to complete mowing. It was suggested by Jeff and Rebecca that it may be beneficial to entertain an invasive removal volunteer day verses using pesticide remediation.

Next Meetings: November 3, 2016

At 8:15 pm, Chair Brian moved to close the meeting, Clowes seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.~

Respectfully submitted,~

Rebecca Longvall
Conservation Administrator