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Conservation Commission Agenda 05-12-16
May 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.       
Houghton Building, 697 Main Street


6:30 – 7:00 p.m.      Meet / discussion with temporary conservation commission assistants

Wetland Administration 7:00 p.m.
Request for a Determination of applicability (rFD); notice of intent (noi). Abbreviated notice of resource area delineation (anrad), Order of conditions (ooc)
7:00 p.m.       David Russell, 115 Wilder Road – Continued public hearing on NOI
7:15 p.m.       Knox Trail Council, 75 Hudson Road – Continued public hearing on NOI (basketball court)
7:30 p.m.       Knox Trail Council, 75 Hudson Road –Public hearing on NOI (driveway) Greg Roy
7:45 p.m.       Lot 1 Century Mill Road – Scott Goddard
8:00 p.m.       34 Fox Run Road (driveway) Scott Morrisey

administrative business
Commission Business  
-       Building Permit Applications:   94 Drumlin Hill Road
                                                28 Powder Hill Road

        -       37 Powder Hill Road, Sidopoulos - Request to have escrow released

        -       Nourse Road, James (Lot 4) (DEP# 112-543) - Request for a Certificate of Compliance

-       164 Long Hill Road – review file and request for issuance of the certificate of Compliance

-       86 Frye Road – reproduce the original Certificate of Compliance to be registered

  • Clearing of Taylor Property in the vicinity of Randall Road and West Berlin Road
-       Review and Execute Municipal Roadway Vegetation Management Plan

*Bills, Mail/Correspondence/Announcements
        -       Minutes – for review and signature
-       Board of Appeals Hearing (5/18/16)  Notice for Variance– 110 Teele Road - Wednesday, May 18

  • Schedule Conservation Commission meetings going forward