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Capital Planning Committee Minutes 01-09-12
Capital Planning Committee                      Present:        Brad Cote
January 9, 2012                                                 Erik Neyland
                                                                        Barbara Dirsa                                                                                            
                                                                        Michael Guerin
                                                                        Michael Gorr
The Capital Planning Committee (CPC) met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Met with Conservation Committee on Fyfeshire Dam Lowering Request

  • They discussed the different options and why Lowering was their desired choice.
  • Other options are to completely remove or repair
  • By lowering we are no longer under the state’s jurisdiction
  • There are penalties if we don’t act
  • If we lower or remove we can’t bond the money
Had a discussion with the Advisory Committee chairman who attended the meeting.
  • He discussed budget issues
  • He discussed different options to fund capital expenditures.
Will meet~Monday 1/23/2012

Respectfully submitted by Erik Neyland
