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Capital Planning Committee Min 1-29-07
Capital Planning Committee                      Present:                Barry Joseph
January 29, 2007                                                        Kerry Hoffman
Frank Chiodo
Bob Minardi
                                                Liaisons:               Anita Scheipers
The Capital Planning Committee met at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Ms. Scheipers provided an overview of the DOR capital plan process.  This included an example calendar for capital requests, updates on 5 year plans, and inclusion of reasonable estimate materials in yearly justifications.  The usefulness of meeting with all department heads to discuss their capital requests was reviewed.  In addition, an example evaluation tool and summary sheet from Lincoln for use in prioritizing the yearly capital plan was reviewed.  

The members then discussed the usefulness of reviewing FY08 submissions and a general timeline for compatibility with the FY08 budgeting process.  It was agreed that interviewing department heads while awaiting the preliminary capital budget capacity from the Advisory Committee would be prudent.  In order to properly interview the various department heads, it was felt that a letter stating the committee’s intent along with forms to document, justify and prioritize the individual requests would need to be sent out.  Ms. Scheipers agreed to draft this documentation.  

The following schedule for these interviews was discussed and agreed to:
Monday Feb 12~ -~ Police and Fire
Monday Feb 26~ -~ DPW
Monday Mar 5~~ -~ Schools and any other remaining departments

Mr. Joseph volunteered to contact the Town Secretary to schedule the above meetings.
The next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday February 12th, where discussions regarding the police and fire department capital requests will be held.
The members felt that a full committee was needed to vote for chair/chairpersons so the decision was delayed to a future meeting.  Kerry Hoffman volunteered to act as secretary for the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Barry Joseph