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Meeting Minutes 05/15/2007
Board of Assessors Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Atendees:  Bonina, Johnson, Nichols
Others:  Scheid, Bradbury, Frank Krysa

Meeting Minutes:

 1.  Meeting called to order 6:10 pm
 2.  Board and Scheid review of updated Arklow parcels after inspection completion.
      Scheid to meet Arklow next with results.
 3.  Board, Scheid, and Frank Krysa review of Northwoods road development early
      2006.  Frank will query Planning Board regarding engineering inspections during
       that time frame.
 4.  Preliminary discussions on Held/Bartsch/BCT parcel and the Daman parcel.
 5.  Disposition of general administrative business, including approval of minutes.
 6.  Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm, motion by Johnson, second by Nichols.  Next
      meeting TBD.