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Meeting Minutes 12/01/2005
Board of Assessors
December 1, 2005

Meeting Minutes
Present: Bonina, Johnson, Nichols, & Harald Scheid, contractor
Others:  Mr. Robert Davis

1.      The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.
2.      Mr. Davis explained his desire to acquire land from Mr. Stephenson; a triangular piece now part of Lot 7 (see approved plan of land 29-Jan-05, for Landquest LTD); and at same time conveying same size parcel abutting lots 7 & 8.  He wants to swap parcels in such a way that 61A use remains unchanged.  The Board took no action, will look at this again with Mr. Davis when land exchange is imminent.  Board requested Bradbury write Mr. Davis a letter prescribing his intended course of action of securing new plan approval from Planning Board, and then Board will address the swap parcel request relative to rollback taxes.  
3.      Jodi Ross stopped by to inform the Board of her efforts to get Bob Martin, our DOR account manager, to speed up the certification process.  Ross also asked the Board to sign Cynthia’s time sheets or alternatively have Jodi sign.  
4.       Scheid informed Board how cathedral ceiling areas should be handled in CAMA.  They should not be treated as second floor area; Board concurs.  Also, foyers over 100 sf should be segmented out; Board concurred.
5.      Scheid updated Board on progress of reval/certification.  Project is wrapping up and preliminary certification should be received early in the week of December 5, 2005.  Scheid asked Board about increase in exempt parcel count since fy03.  Board believes the increase is largely due to the mandatory “open space” parcels conveyed to the town subsequent to land development, and several town land acquisitions passed via town meeting.    
6.      Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm; motion by Nichols, seconded by Bonina.