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Meeting Minutes 10/06/2005
Board of Assessors
October 6, 2005

Present – Bonina, Johnson, Nichols, Bryan
Also in attendance were Jodi Ross and Harald Scheid.

1.      The meeting was called to order at 6:25pm
2.      The board met with Harald Scheid concerning the contracting of support from him for the completion of the FY06 revaluation.  The board discussed the quotation and agreed to the terms.  The Board, Mr. Scheid and Jodi Ross signed the contract for his services for the next 4 weeks.  The Board then discussed the RPQ for additional appraisal services for the balance of the fiscal year.  The RPQ will be advertised next week and the deadline for submission of proposals will be 10/28/05.
3.      Discussion of the Special Town Meeting warrant article by the Board of Assessors.  The board voted to request a transfer of $32K in funds from the FY06 Assessors salary line item to the Purchase of Services line item.  The Board then wrote the summary information for the warrant.
4.      The board then approved the payroll for the period including unused vacation time for the departing Principal Assessor.
5.      The next meeting were set as October 13 at 6pm and October 27 at 6pm.  Mr. Scheid agreed to attend the October 27th meeting.
6.      The Board requested that the Board of Selectmen’s meeting of November 17th include the Classification hearing.  Actual time on the agenda tbd.
7.      The board extended their thanks to the Principal Assessor for his efforts while working for the Town of Bolton.
8.      Adjournment at 8:20pm.  Motion by Bonina, seconded by Johnson, vote unanimous.