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Meeting Minutes 08/16/2005
Board of Assessors

Minutes of the 8/16/05 Board meeting:

1.      The mtg was called to order at 6:05pm
2.      Supplemental Tax for FY05 resulted in approximately $38K in taxes.  Bills were sent out and payment due by 8/15/05.  As of now, no abatement applications were filed.
3.      Signatures. The Board signed papers as required.
4.      Tony reported that all New Growth visits for FY06 had been completed.  The totals will be calculated once the Sales analysis work was done to set new land and building schedules for FY06.
5.      Next meeting September 13
6.      Executive session for discussion of ATB cases
7.      Adjournment was at 8:00pm, motion by Bonina, seconded by Johnson, vote unanimous.