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Meeting Minutes 06/14/2005
Board of Assessors
June 14, 2005


1.      The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 6:12pm
2.      Tony provided the status of New Growth Visits and general update.  He is on track to complete the residential portion of New Growth by early July and the Commercial by end of July.  
3.      Supplemental Tax for FY05 status.  The tax bills for the supplemental will be mailed out in early July as will be due on 8/15/05. There may be one or two that are a short time later.  Total taxes from FY05 Supplemental expected to exceed the predicted $30K.
4.      194 Fox Run – visit performed and property record card changed as needed.
5.      The Board signed past minutes for submission to the Town Clerk.
6.      Signed Lien documents per Cindy
7.      Photo of Charlotte for web and badge taken.  Tony will get the badge made.
8.      Quarterly Tax billing status.  Tax bills are being printed and will be mailed out before the end of June.
9.      Next meeting was set for July 19
10.     It was agreed to order a second set of magnetic car signs.  The PO will be modified to allow for the extra set.
11.     Tony to visit 256 Green road to verify that the two buildings are gone.
12.     Tony reported that the Counter CAMA pc has been upgraded with a new pc.
13.     The board voted unanimously to appoint Tony Bryan the Principal Assessor for FY06. Motion by Nichols, seconded by Bonina.
14.     The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm on a motion by Bonina, seconded by Johnson, vote unanimous.