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Agricultural Commission Minutes 11-16-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 11/16/2010
63 Main Street 978-779-2297 or 978-779-3308
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Richard Pelletier 779-5521 Term Exp 6/30/2013

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on November 16th, 2010 at
Town Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by chairperson Sue Storbeck.
Commission members in attendance: Sue Storbeck, Barbara Parente, Betsy Taylor-
Kennedy and Richard Pelletier. The October minutes were read by members and
Eric Schartner was introduced to the commission as a candidate for the vacant
Commission position.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions
Board of Health (Sue Sorbeck) No Report
Planning Board (Open) - No Report
Board of Selectmen (Rich Pelletier) - No Report
Conservation Commission (Barbara Parente & Sue Storbeck) - Sue reported that the
proposed amendment incorporating the Right to Farm Bylaw on the Houghton Farm
home owner's covenants had been submitted to the Conservation Commission for
discussion with the developer. No response had been received on submitted language
as of this date. Barbara reported that she had spoken to Kevin Lord and Carol
Gumbardt (Conservation Commission) on how development is commenced in Town. It
was agreed that the Agricultural Commission should send letters to all Boards (ZBA,
Conservation, Planning, Selectmen etc) to notify each potential starting point of a
development of the Agricultural Commission's interest should agricultural property be
Conservation Trust (Betsy Taylor-Kennedy) - Betsy reported that discussions of
Weatherbee and taking property out of 61 A might be on hold and that development
may be on hold and a non-issue at this time. There was a short discussion of property
owned by Nancy Caisse and Bolton Orchards but that no additional information was
available at this time.
Working Sessions:
Complaints - None at this time. Discussion of agriculture resources available to
effectuate an evacuation plan
Emergency Management Plan - Sue reported that she is continuing to develop a list of
resources available to effectuate our animal evacuation plan. Sue informed the
Commission that she was going to have further discussions with Lucky Horse Equine
Rescue about agriculture resources available to effectuate an evacuation plan. It was
suggested and agreed that Sue invite and keep our Animal Control Officer involved with
all discussions.
Grant - Barbara requested comments on the proposed “Way Finding” grant being
written by Town Planner Jennifer Burney which could include signage for local farms.
Barbara noted that she had not received the grant draft but that we still need to present
a conceptual proposal. It was agreed that Barbara suggest money be appropriated for
two master signs at each access point for Route 495 as well as numerous waypoint
signs. It was also agreed to request funding for brochures that would be placed at
distribution points and for website development. Business Development meeting will be
attended by Barbara on Monday, December 6th.
Eric Schartner - Eric introduced himself to the Commission and his interest in becoming
a member of the Commission. Eric discussed the operations of his family farm noting
that he is a 4th generation farmer in Bolton with a family involved in farming for 108
years. As a police officer in Berlin, Eric discussed his knowledge of farming issues in
Bolton ???ted that he would send and his experience as an officer in animal rescue. A
motion to recommend Eric to the Board of Selectmen was made and seconded.
Unanimously voted.
Budget - Sue presented a request by the Town to attempt to trim all budgets by 3
percent. The commission agreed that it would be supportive of the request by reducing
our 2011 budget request to $1746 from $1800. Approved in the spirit of cutting cost.
???2011 to 2012. Motion made, seconded and unanimously voted.
Monster List Discussion
The Commission suggested the following activities and priorities for the coming year:
Taste of Bolton, perhaps on a Sunday evening in the late summer or early fall; a
Farmers Dinner with a speaker from the Farm Bureau; a Spring Agricultural Sale,
possibly at Great Brook Farms; Agriculture Row at the Bolton Fair; additional Right to
Farm signs; expanding the website, establishing links and updating the
map; and developing an emergency resource list.
Bolton Local - Sustainability
Barbara suggested Spring Sale JoBarb Farm, Lillies, and perhaps some wool farmers,
eggs. Great Brook
Bring back Agro at the Bolton Fair
Taste of Massachusetts - Further discussion in the future
Annual Farmer/Agricultural Meeting Roundtable.
Ag Com website - Drive to agriculture Goggle Central Site.. Maximize website
exposure. Link to Bolton Town Home Page.
Agricultural and Craft demo/sale at Winery - A discussion took placed on the past
weekend and the schedule for the upcoming weekends. Barbara presented the
schedule for the upcoming month. Rich agreed to send out an email about each
weekend event to the winery's email list.
Coolidge property compost project . Still looking for property lines. First step to
determination for project is to define site.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be on Monday January 10th. Rich agreed to
fill out the form and agenda for the next meeting which must be filed on Thursday, the
6th. Check on space to meet.