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Agricultural Commission Minutes 08-17-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 17 August 2010
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Richard Pelletier 779-5521 Term Exp 6/30/2013
Open Term Exp 6/30/2013

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on August 17, 2010 at Town Hall. The meeting was
called to order at 7:35 pm by chairperson Sue Storbeck. Commission members in attendance: Sue Storbeck,
Barbara Parente, and Betsy Taylor-Kennedy. Richard Pelletier was absent. The July minutes were read by
members and approved.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions
Board of Health (Storbeck) – No report
Planning Board (Open) – Sue will contact the board concerning the Weatherbee, Lord and Aschettino lands.
Board of Selectmen (Pelletier) – No report.
Conservation Commission (Parente) – Contact made but no report. Barbara will follow up.
Conservation Trust (Taylor-Kennedy) – Preservation efforts are ongoing
Action item: Sue will contact the Planning Board and Barbara will contact the Conservation Commission
regarding development, asking that the AgComm be made part of the process; that in each case of a
development proposal, the boards promote reserving some land with agricultural potential for farming and/or a
community garden.
Working Session:
o VISITORS -- Animal Control Officer Sue Latham came to the Commission to discuss ways of finding
owners, transportation and containment of wandering animals. Bolton does not have a kennel, but Stow
has allowed Bolton animals there. Latham said Bolton needs a network of place to put animals,
especially in view of recent accidents on Massachusetts highways as well as emergency veteranarian
services, especially for large animals, such as horses. The board suggested Latham talk to Jai Rezac of
Century Mill Stables and Cindy Schaeffer, local vet. AgComm suggested Latham look at three
comparable towns to Bolton and find out what they do with large animals. Latham left her email address
with the board for online communication. Action: Sue Storbeck has names of two rescue places that
train and said she would follow up with Amy Clark of Essex Equine. Action: Barbara will check with
Tom Moses to see if pets are included in the disaster plan, and if so, what is the plan.
o VISITORS – Liz Schoepke and Elizabeth Curry, from the First Parish Church calendar committee,
came to talk about the 2011 calendar, featuring a Bolton farms theme. Although the calendar is almost
complete, the visitors asked if the AgComm would provide copy for a page about Bolton farms, some
photos and the Right to Farm sign artwork. Actions: Barbara will write and submit the copy, using
words from the AgComm’s “Supporting Bolton Agriculture” brochure and Betsy will send the Right to
Farm artwork.
Current business:
1. Farmers Dinner – The board voted unanimously, that if a date is available, a Farmers Dinner would be
held at the Nashoba Valley Winery in October, and a subcommittee would be formed to put the event
plan in place before the next AgComm meeting. The subcommittee would determine the menu, program
and participation.
Action: Within one week of this meeting, Betsy will contact Rich about a firm date for an October Farmers
Dinner and get back to other members so plans can begin..
Action: Barbara will check with the town accountant as to whether or not the AgComm can raise funds or
accept money from any dinner proceeds and how they would be accepted.
2. 2011 spending plan and annual review of “Monster List” of goals – deferred to September
3. Right to Farm sign usage design by other towns (Barbara) – Barbara met with and has price information
from the designer; before the next meeting, she will find out from town accountant if and how board
could accept a token “finders fee.”
4. Farm Bureau information (Sue) – deferred to September
5. Farmstand directional signs – AgComm will move this item to the goals list
Future Meetings/Events
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.