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Agricultural Commission Minutes 05-18-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 18 May 2010
663 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Joe Kovacs 779-6979 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz 779-6423 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on 18 May 2010 in the Town Hall. The meeting was
called to order at 7:35 pm. Commission members in attendance were: Kovacs, Storbeck, Parente and Taylor-
Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed; corrections to be made for approval at June meeting.
The Agenda was compiled at the beginning of the meeting.
Reports from liaisons to town Boards/Commissions:
No reports this month.
Current business:
1. Grant Workshop: Barbara attended a grant workshop session on March 19, sponsored by Niki Tsongas.
The session was not specifically targeted toward agricultural programs, but some of the FDA and USDA grant
and loan programs are available for farmers. The USDA sponsored grants include: Rural Energy for America
Program (REAP) for rural small businesses and farms and the Value Added Producer Grants for planning and
feasibility studies for independent farmers. Barbara will make a list of the grants that are relevant for Bolton’s
farmers and agricultural businesses, and present it at the next meeting.
2. Openings on the AgCom: AgCom positions are automatically renewed unless a letter of resignation is
sent to the Board of Selectmen. Joe is resigning at the end of his term (30 June). He put forth Rich Pelletier’s
name for consideration by the BOS. The BOS will advertise for replacements.. AgCom needs to check on
Ken’s intentions for another term. The group needs to decide on a new Chair or two Vice-Chairs.
3. FOBS Pet Yearbook: A motion was made and seconded to pay $50 for the AgCom page in the Friends
of Bolton Seniors’ Pet Yearbook. Motion passed unanimously. Barbara will obtain an invoice from FOBS so
payment can be processed.
4a. Coolidge Property: ConCom has been dealing with Bob Coolidge over clear-cutting of land in the
wetland buffer area of his property. Bob claims the work was to reclaim historically farmed land. Ken was
included in ConCom’s review process at Bob’s request. Ken and ConCom made a site visit and ConCom
requested that Bob file a Notice of Intent (NOI) with plans of his future work in and around wetlands. ConCom
to follow up; this is not an AgCom issue.
4b. Composting project: Update at June meeting.
5a. AgCom Signs: Six signs were put up in time for Town Meeting, using existing poles. (Rte. 85, Rte 117
(Stow), Rte 117 (Bolton Orchards), Forbush Mill Rd, Wattaquadock Hill Rd, Berlin Rd.) Next year’s budget
should include 3 more signs: Harvard Road town-line and at both 495 off-ramps. Betsy will take photos to
accompany a press release.
5b. Other promotional signage: Farmers at the April meeting requested copies of the Right to Farm signs to
display at their farms/farmstands. The quote for a double-sided RTF image on corrugated plastic substrate is
$18. These are similar to election signs, with a wire frame to stick in the ground. Sue will get a quote for
single-sided signs that can be hung on a wall. Other promotional ideas are small magnets and bumper
stickers that could be handed out with brochures at events.
6. Budget: After the payment to FOBS there is $109 left in the budget. The last town-wide brochure mailing
was Sept. 2008. Betsy will obtain a list of new homeowners (since 9/08) from the Assessors office and create
labels for an updated mailing.
Next Meeting: June 15, 2010
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes – Public Forum
Date: 14 APR 2010
663 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Joe Kovacs 779-6979 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz 779-6423 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
A public forum was held by the Bolton Agricultural Commission on 14 April 2010 in the meeting hall of the First
Parish of Bolton. The forum began at 7:45 pm. The purpose of the forum was to discuss issues facing agriculture
in our community.
In attendance were:
Joe Kovacs
Ken Nicewicz
Sue Storbeck
Barbara Parente
Barbara Donato, JoBarb Farms
Rich Pelletier, Nashoba Valley Winery
Sally Ann King, Pleasant Valley Daylilies
Nancy Caisse, Townshend Farm
Tom Maker, Townshend Farm
Herb Colby, Bolton farmer
Jem Mix, Bolton farmer
Ada Woolston, Community Garden
Teresa Sauer, Community Garden
Martha Ashe
Ed Taylor
The Ag Comm highlighted what they have done since the inception of the commission including writing a proposal
and receiving a state grant to support specific activities such as the development of an Ag Comm website, right-tofarm
brochure, right-to-farm roadside signs, map of Bolton farms, establish an “agriculture row” at the Bolton Fair,
and hold 2 Fall agricultural holiday sales. Other Ag Comm activities include support for the elimination of the
agricultural excise tax, meeting with Planning Board and the developer of Houghton Farms to secure non-wetland
usable fields for agricultural use or a community garden, etc.
Ken Nicewicz provided an update on Ag Day at the State House in Boston. Several topics highlighted were:
· The request to have small plot farms (ie less than 5 acres) exempt from residential zoning is still in
· Support for funding for state extension services is in process
· There is general statewide concern and discussion about Board of Health ability to establish rules
affecting agriculture without agriculture or government input
Input and ideas from the attendees:
· It’s key to keep agriculture available and for the community to understand what farming really is; we all
need to do a better job of communicating the “right-to-farm” to newcomers to town. Some activities that
can help do this: provide brochures and information to local real estate and physicians’ offices, have open
barns and tours, show support via Bolton celebrates with agricultural floats in the parade, etc.
· Write a seasonal article for the Bolton Common on agriculture, report on the Houghton Farm success as a
way to preserve agriculture
· Sponsor a Bolton Celebrates Bolton potluck dinner
· Sponsor a dedicated day to increase awareness of Bolton agriculture, a “Taste of Bolton” to include farm
tours, highlight different products, sell raffle tickets with ag prizes such as bags of compost, gift certificate
for meats. This can build support and awareness for Bolton agriculture and give farmers a chance to give
back to the community.
· Make better use of local TV channels e.g. a tour of Bolton gardens
· Have a booth at the Bolton fair selling pie slices as a fundraiser
· Research different & affordable formats for Right-to-Farm signs for broader availability to Bolton farmers
who would like to have a sign for their farms
· Research Nashoba BOH regs re independent
· Research length of time for burning on farms; can current 10am - 4pm timeframe be lengthened?